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American and Canadian female singers shine in Chinese TV show "Singer 2024"
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:艾修煜 发表时间:2024-05-14 22:31

After a four-year hiatus, China's music variety show"Singer 2024" premiered on the evening of May 10th, delivering a thrilling live broadcast and spectacular performances that attracted huge ratings.

Within the first 24 hours, the premiere episode amassed over 100 million views.

The initial lineup featured American singer Chanté Moore, Chinese singers Na Ying, Second Hand Rose, Rainie Yang, Silence Wang, Hailai A’Mu, and Moroccan-Canadian singer Faouzia Ouihya.

The international singers' performances were particularly outstanding. Faouzia, a Gen Z singer, kicked off the show with a powerful rendition of "Crazy" with an expansive vocal range, leaving Na Ying in awe. In the performance of "If I Ain't Got You", Chanté Moore showcased a relaxed and rich vocal in the verses, hit whistle register in the chorus, and paused dramatically before reigniting the crowd, demonstrating incredible control and stability. Despite being confident in her excellent singing skills since her debut, Na Ying admitted, "I still have room for improvement".

The stellar performances of the international singers prompted netizens to call upon Chinese music heavyweights like Tengger, Han Lei, Tan Jing, and G.E.M. to join the competition.

However, the enthusiasm for powerful foreign singers remained strong. As rumors of Adam Lambert, Charlie Puth, and Ariana Grande joining the show circulated, the anticipation among fans grew exponentially.

In fact, in the past eight seasons of "Singer", it has featured numerous international singers, including Dimash, Shila, Kristian Kostov, and Polina Gagarina. Jessie J notably secured three consecutive wins in weekly competitions, ultimately claiming the "King of Singers" title, surpassing Chinese singers like Tengger and Wang Feng.

So, why were Chanté Moore and Faouzia's performances particularly impactful? A significant factor is the "one-take" agreement signed by each singer, requiring performances to be completed in a single take, regardless of any live performance incidents, avoiding excessive post-production editing.

Na Ying, a prominent Chinese singer, felt the pressure of this true live and one-take format. "Previously, shows were pre-recorded. Although we sang live, the challenges of pre-recording and live broadcasting are different. "

In contrast, the two foreign singers appeared at ease. From the press conference to the show and post-performance interviews, Chanté Moore and Faouzia expressed no concerns about the live and one-take format. For these international singers, "nervousness" stemmed only from the uncertainty of facing a new market, new audiences, and a new stage, rather than from their professional abilities. Live performances and onetake requirements are standard in the Western music industry.

The "Singer 2024" production team stated that the show's original intent is to "connect through music and communicate with the world", urging, "Here, music remains the universal language of communication. We hope everyone watching 'Singer 2024' enjoys the music, finds like-minded friends, maintains communication, and embraces the world."

Source:Yangcheng Evening News




美国女歌手Chanté Moore(香缇·莫)、那英、二手玫瑰、杨丞琳、汪苏泷、海来阿木以及摩洛哥裔加拿大女歌手Faouzia(凡希亚·奥伊亚)首发登场。

国际歌手的表现大放异彩,“00后”凡希亚率先登场,以宽阔的音域和爆发力十足的嗓音带来一首《Crazy》,让中国歌手那英直呼“接不住了”。香缇·莫则带来的《If I Ain't Got You》,主歌部分松弛浑厚,宛如CD,副歌部分则在连飙超越海豚音的“哨音”后紧急刹车,控场静默数秒后“二次启动”再燃全场,展现了惊人的控制力和稳定性。出道以来就自信唱功过硬的那英,也大方承认“我还有进步空间”。


尽管网友纷纷力荐唱将名单,但对于外国实力唱将的欢迎程度有增无减。当亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)、查理·普斯(Charlie Puth)、爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)等人名先后出现在网传踢馆歌手名单中,乐迷的期待值也呈指数级增长。 

事实上,在过往八季节目中,迪玛希、希拉、Kristian Kostov、Polina Gagarina等国际歌手接连亮相,“结石姐”Jessie J更取得周竞演三连冠,最终力压腾格尔、汪峰等人,将“歌王”称号收入囊中。





文|记者 艾修煜