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Competition renewed: Apple and HUAWEI's simultaneous product release
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:潘亮 发表时间:2024-05-14 22:27

Recently, Apple and HUAWEI held product launch events one after the other, unveiling products such as tablets, stylus pens, smartwatches, and laptops. Following the "clash" of HUAWEI and Apple's product launches on October 31st, 2023, the two major brands once again chose the same day for their new product launches. The products they unveiled are quiet similar, igniting a strong competition.

From these recent launch events, it's evident that HUAWEI and Apple are engaged in intense competition in the tablet market. This battle unfolds against the backdrop of a gradual recovery in the global tablet market, with these two industry giants going head-to-head in this crucial market. It's worth noting that both Apple's iPad Pro and HUAWEI's MateBook 14 laptop are equipped with OLED screens, signaling a potential market opportunity with screen upgrades. Additionally, with the iPad Pro featuring the new M4 chip and enhanced AI performance, the competition between HUAWEI and Apple in AI is becoming even more intense.

During the event held on May 7th, Apple unveiled new iPad Pro and iPad Air products. Among them, the iPad Pro is Apple's flagship tablet. The new iPad Pro is powered by the M4 chip, offering CPU speeds up to 50% faster than the previous generation's M2 chip. The new Apple Pencil Pro has advanced features including squeeze, barrel roll, haptic feedback, and hovering, through more precise sensors and a customized haptic engine. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, stated during the event, "it truly is the biggest day for iPad since its introduction."

On the same day, HUAWEI unveiled multiple new products including the MatePad and MateBook X Pro in Dubai. The HUAWEI MatePad 11.5"S tablet runs on the HarmonyOS 4.2, supports its M-Pencil (3rd generation) , and features a soft light eye protection screen that eliminates 99% of interfering light, reducing visual fatigue. HUAWEI also introduced a new self-developed drawing app called "GoPaint," which offers a wide selection of brushes and various intelligent and convenient functions to enhance the drawing capabilities of the MatePad.

Regarding tablets, the shipment volumes of Apple and HUAWEI are exhibiting a trend where one is declining while the other is rising. According the data from Canalys, in the first quarter of this year, although iPad shipments still ranked first, they decreased by 13.9% year-on-year to 12 million units, and market share fell from 41.8% in the same period last year to 36%. In contrast, HUAWEI tablet shipments skyrocketed in the first quarter of this year, increasing by 70.2% to 2.735 million units, and market share increased from 4.8% in the same period last year to 8.1%, ranking third.

Apart from competing for overseas markets, the rivalry between HUAWEI and Apple in the field of AI is also heating up. In February of 2024, Tim Cook stated that multiple Apple devices are AI-driven, and significant investments are being made in AI. Apple believes that generative AI has potential for breakthrough. Apple claims that "compared to thin and light PC processors, the M4 chip achieves the same performance with one-quarter of the power consumption, and the neural network engine surpasses all AI PCs currently on the market." HUAWEI is not falling behind either. Previously, once HUAWEI Pura 70 was launched, its AI performance became a hot topic on the Internet. Pura 70's success rate in shooting under low light, high speed, and shaky conditions, as well as its powerful image editing capabilities, have all attracted attention.

On May 8th, HUAWEI's official terminal announced that HUAWEI Summer 2024 New Product Launch Event will be held on May 15th at 14:30 in China. It is said that this event will introduce products such as the Nova 12 SE, Enjoy 80, Matebook 14, MatePad 11.5, and WATCH Fit 3, covering multiple types of product including smartphones, computers, and tablets.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News



从此次发布会来看,华为和苹果在平板电脑领域展开激烈竞争,这也是在全球平板电脑市场正逐步回暖的大背景下,两大行业巨头在这一重要赛道的正面比拼。值得关注的是,苹果的iPad Pro以及华为的MateBook 14笔记本电脑都搭载了OLED屏幕,屏幕迭代或将带来市场新机会。同时,iPad Pro搭载新一代芯片M4,在AI性能方面进行了强化,由此华为、苹果AI的较量更加激烈。  

在5月7日举办的发布会上,苹果发布了新款iPad Pro和iPad Air等产品。其中,iPad Pro是苹果旗舰机平板电脑。新款iPad Pro搭载M4芯片,CPU速度相比前代iPad Pro的M2芯片提升了最高50%;新款手写笔Apple Pencil Pro通过更加精准的内置传感器和定制的触觉引擎,实现轻捏、侧旋、触觉反馈以及悬停功能。在本次发布会上,苹果首席执行官库克表示:“这是iPad诞生以来的一个里程碑。”

同一天,华为在迪拜发布了MatePad 、MateBook X Pro等多款新品。华为MatePad 11.5英寸S平板电脑运行鸿蒙OS 4.2操作系统,支持M-Pencil 星闪手写笔,搭载柔光护眼屏,能够消除99%干扰光,减轻视觉疲劳。华为还推出一款由全新自研绘画软件——天生会画App,能够带来丰富的笔刷选择和多种智慧便捷的功能,增强MatePad的绘画能力。


除了争夺海外市场,华为与苹果在AI领域的较量也如火如荼。今年2月,库克表示,苹果多款设备由AI驱动,正在AI领域进行重大投资,并认为生成式AI具有突破潜力。苹果声称“和轻薄型PC处理器相比,M4芯片用四分之一的功耗即可实现相同的性能,神经网络引擎更是超越目前市面上所有的AI PC”。华为也不甘落后。此前,华为Pura 70一经推出,其AI功能就被网友推上了热搜,Pura 70在弱光、高速、手抖环境下的拍摄成功率,以及强大的抠图功能,无一不吸引人眼球。

5月8日,华为终端官博宣布,华为夏季全场景新品发布会将于5月15日14时30分举办。据了解,华为夏季全场景新品发布会将推出华为nova 12 SE、畅享80、Matebook 14、MatePad 11.5、WATCH Fit 3等产品,涵盖手机、电脑、平板等产品线。

文、图|记者 潘亮 实习生 陈铭心羽