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Guangzhou GDP breaks through 3 trillion yuan
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李妹妍 发表时间:2024-01-16 23:56

On January 15th, during the fourth session of the 16th People's Congress of Guangzhou, the government work report clearly stated that the city's estimated regional GDP for the full year of 2023 is expected to exceed three trillion yuan. This is a significant milestone in the history of Guangzhou's economic development.

What does the GDP achievement of surpassing three trillion yuan signify? If we extend our perspective to a longer time, it took Guangzhou 61 years to go from 298 million yuan to one trillion yuan in regional GDP, eight years to reach two trillion yuan, and five years to reach three trillion yuan. In progressively shorter intervals, Guangzhou has accelerated its progress to surpass that of most economies worldwide, and it will play an even more significant role in China's and the world's economic landscape.

What sets Guangzhou apart to achieve this milestone? Looking back at Guangzhou's economic growth for 2023, the city has been prioritizing the industry and building up its manufacturing basis to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. Take some typical examples. The GAC Aion New Energy Automobile has been designated as the world's only "lighthouse factory" for new energy vehicles, with the production of NEVs surpassing 650,000 units. EHang' has received the world's first airworthiness certificate for its passenger-carrying autonomous aerial vehicle. Two industrial clusters in biomedicine and intelligent manufacturing equipment have been recognized as China's excellent lists. Strategic emerging industries have accounted for more than 30% of the regional GDP. All these indicated that traditional industries are rapidly undergoing technological transformation, and emerging industries are demonstrating strong momentum. Against this background, Guangzhou is accelerating the construction of a nationally advanced manufacturing base to lay a solid foundation for being the "city of three trillion yuan."

As Guangzhou moves towards the next trillion-yuan level, how can it effectively shoulder the responsibility of being a "leading economic city" and make greater contributions to the economic growth of Guangdong and even China? Efforts should be made in four aspects:

Firstly, further exerting efforts in fulfilling national strategic missions, advancing the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to a new stage, strengthening Guangzhou's role as a growth pole and a driving force for leading high-quality development, so as to transform national strategic potential into high-quality development momentum.

Secondly, intensifying efforts to cultivate new productive forces, vigorously developing emerging industries such as intelligent connected vehicles, new energy vehicles, next-generation electronic information technology, biomedicine, and health, thus consolidating the foundation for strong and high-quality development.

Thirdly, enhancing the level of urban development with a focus on building a central world-class city by vigorously constructing an efficient transportation system and jointly promoting the construction of the Guangzhou metropolitan area.

Lastly, furthering efforts to promote common prosperity by fully implementing the "National Hundred and Thousand and Ten-Thousand Talent Project" and promoting balanced urban-rural and regional development, thus serving as a demonstration and role model for the province in building a new pattern of coordinated urban-rural and regional development.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News






在担当国家战略使命上再发力,纵深推进新阶段粤港澳大湾区建设,强化引领高质量发展的增长极和动力源,努力把国家战略势能转化为高质量发展动能;在培育新质生产力上再发力,大力发展智能网联与新能源汽车、 新一代电子信息技术、 生物医药与健康等新兴产业,筑稳做强高质量发展底基底盘;在提升城市发展能级上再发力,着眼建设中心型世界城市,全力打造交通强市,协力推进广州都市圈建设;在促进人民共同富裕上再发力,全力实施“百千万工程”,促进城乡区域协调发展,当好全省构建城乡区域协调发展新格局的示范和表率。
