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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Musical "I Am What I Am" achieves over 80% attendance rate
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉 发表时间:2024-01-15 23:52

From January 11th to 14th, the Mandarin version of the musical "I Am What I Am" had its global premiere at the Guangzhou Opera House, where it performed six shows and harvested great acclaim. According to reports, the musical has already achieved an attendance rate exceeding 80% during its initial run.

The Mandarin version of the musical "I Am What I Am" is adapted from the immensely popular Chinese animated film IP of the same name. It brings together outstanding artistic talents from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and is meticulously crafted by a team of experienced Chinese musical theater professionals.

On January 14th, the Yangcheng Evening News also learned that the Cantonese version of the musical "I Am What I Am" will make its debut at the Hong Kong Arts Festival in March this year, presenting a different style of lion dance for the Hong Kong audience.

The lion dance, with a history spanning thousands of years, is an important symbol of the Cantonese culture's spiritual heritage. With a focus on the lion dance culture and local customs of Lingnan, the musical "I Am What I Am" presents the intangible cultural heritage in a form of stage art that resonates with the audience. It has also attracted more attention from the younger generation towards intangible cultural heritage.

The story of the musical "I Am What I Am" pays tribute to every dream chaser in the Greater Bay Area. Through a portrayal of ordinary life and the protagonist Juan's journey in Guangzhou, it brings to the stage a unique blend of the spirit of our era and the distinctive characteristics of Lingnan and the Greater Bay Area.

Director He Nian has cared more for the contemporary context and humanity in the process of creating the musical "I Am What I Am". He strives to integrate dance, music, and lion dance elements into the story, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the plot and resonate with the characters.

Chen Keming, the actor who plays Juan, the male lead in the Mandarin version of the musical "I Am What I Am", expressed in an interview his hope to convey the spirit of Guangdong people, who are known for their perseverance and refusal to give in. He added that although Guangdong people are familiar with the lion dance, it is a different story when he came into contact with it. It presented a significant challenge. "Starting with the basics, I have spent a lot of effort contemplating how to perform the lion dance. Whether it's the horse steps or the waving movements of the lion head and the lion tail, I have taken every aspect seriously."

Chen Rui, the Deputy General Manager of the Guangzhou Opera House and producer of the musical, said, "There could be numerous reasons to throw in the towel, but a single reason to persist is all that's required. I think this quote embodies the essence of 'I Am What I Am,' the pursuit of one's dreams without ever giving up, and it's also a reflection of the Cantonese spirit."

On the evening of January 14th, the final show of the Mandarin version of the musical "I Am What I Am" concluded with enthusiastic applause and cheers from the audience, demonstrating the affirmation and love the production received.

During the interview, Chen Rui revealed that preparations for the Cantonese version of the musical "I Am What I Am" are currently underway, with plans to stage it at the Hong Kong Arts Festival in March this year. The Cantonese version of the musical will present a completely different interpretation and showcase a distinct style.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News













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