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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Jordan Chan takes on the challenge in the premieres of 'I am What I am'
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:艾修煜 发表时间:2024-01-14 23:19

On January 11th, the Mandarin version of the musical "I am What I Am" finally had its grand premiere at the Guangzhou Opera House. Famous Hong Kong actor Jordan Chan, who played the role of Qiang not only skillfully played Meihuaquan and performed one-third of the original songs in solos and duets, but also brought laughter to the audience with his vivid body language and lines, which presented the strength and versatility accumulated over decades as a multi-talented artist.

From late 2023 to early 2024, Jordan Chan spent over two months immersing himself in Guangzhou, wholeheartedly devoting himself to the role of Qiang in the musical. He participated in stage rehearsals, vocal training, and lion dance lessons. The actor reset his four decades of stage experience and gradually shaped his character together with the team.

Before the premiere, Jordan Chan sat down for an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News, sharing his experience and feelings about participating in an original musical on the Chinese mainland for the first time.

Working on a musical with young performers for the first time, Jordan Chan found it refreshing, stating, "We learn together, have fun, and enjoy ourselves." When discussing the rehearsal process, he said that establishing mutual trust and understanding with all the actors on stage was quite challenging.

In the play, Jordan Chan portrays the hidden lion dance master named Qiang. When asked about learning the lion dance, he said, "The lion dance is truly difficult!" The team specially invited Zhao Weibin, the fifth-generation heir of the "Zhao Family's Lion Dance" and the son of master Zhao Jihong, the provincial inheritor of Guangdong's intangible cultural heritage project - Awakening Lion - to teach the actors lion dance performances. Jordan Chan added, "It's not something that can be mastered in a few months or even half a year or a year to perform lion dance well. It's even more difficult to capture its spirit. We can only practice and strive every day, hoping to present the cultural essence and vitality of Lingnan."

In addition to the challenging lion dance, Jordan Chan's foremost consideration was how to better connect with his character. He immersed himself deeply in the role, delving into the characters' backgrounds and understanding their emotions beyond the music and script.

In the context of a play that involved a character's journey of growth amidst challenges and difficulties, Jordan Chan drew a parallel between this theme and his personal experiences. He likened life to the stock market, a volatile entity that experiences fluctuations in value. Despite this unpredictability, he emphasized the importance of pursuing activities that bring joy and contentment, regardless of the market's performance.

The musical "I am What I Am" is adapted from the popular animated film IP of the same name. It not only focuses on the inspirational story of a young boy's growth but also serves as a song dedicated to every striving underdog.

Juan, an ordinary left-behind boy who has been weak and ill since childhood and suffered constant bullying, discovers his passion for lion dance when he meets a girl with the same name. With the help of two friends, Juan forms the Lion Dance Team and becomes a disciple of the skilled lion dance master Qiang. The team undergoes rigorous training day and night to compete in the prestigious "National Lion Dance Competition."

Source:Yangcheng Evening News












文|记者 艾修煜