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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
The 'Penguin Baby Meeting' is held at Chimelong Penguin Hotel in Zhuhai
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:钱瑜 发表时间:2024-01-14 23:18

On January 13th, a baby penguin exhibition kicked off at the Chimelong Penguin Hotel in Zhuhai.

At the scene, four baby emperor penguins who successfully graduated from the "Penguin Kindergarten" in 2023 were given new nicknames. It is reported that the names were chosen by netizens nationwide, and more than 500 sets of names were collected in this event.

At the scene, the baby emperor penguins are eagerly awaiting their new names in the exhibition area. Baby emperor penguin number 225 is very beautiful and has been given the nickname "Longzhu" (龙珠) for it was born in Zhuhai during the Year of the Dragon. Baby penguin number 226 is named "Nuomi" (糯米) because it is as gentle as sticky rice, which is considered gentle and sweet by traditional Chinese medicine. Baby penguin number 227 is chubby and is the fastest in molting among the four baby emperor penguins. It also loves to sleep, so it is named "Dixin"(帝心) for its weight. Finally comes the name of baby penguin number 228: "Dinuan" (帝暖). The reason is that it is particularly sunny and warm, like a considerate and outgoing guy who enjoys playing with people.

It is reported that the event has established two penguin exhibition halls, with the tundra district housing emperor penguins, gentoo penguins, and Adelie penguins, while the temperate hall is home to Humboldt Penguins and Magellanic Penguins. Visitors alike can appreciate the penguins' graceful movements through the expansive glass panes as if they were in the mystical world of Antarctica. Ms. Lyu from Hong Kong said that the penguins' vibrant life, their swimming and play on the shoreside made her feel like a painting.

In addition, at the outdoor square of Penguin Hotel, citizens and tourists also experienced the "Joyful Parade", with a group of cute penguins orderly following the parade, which made everyone can't help but laugh.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News




在现场,帝企鹅宝宝们在展区内“翘首以待”着自己的新名字。编号225号的帝企鹅宝宝颜值非常高,获得了“龙珠”的昵称,寓意“迎接龙年之际,在珠海出生的宝宝”;编号226号的帝企鹅宝宝的名字是“糯米”,因为中医认为糯米性温味甘,而226号性格温和,与糯米的性质很相像;227号帝企鹅长得胖乎乎的,是4只帝企鹅宝宝中换毛最快的一只,它还特别爱睡觉,它由此得名“(帝)心”,谐音“地心”,寓意“地心引力鹅界纪录保持者”;最后公布名字的是228号,它特别阳光,喜欢与人互动,他的名字是“(帝)暖” ,谐音“地暖”,意为讨人喜欢的“小暖男”。



文、图|记者 钱瑜 通讯员 邓泳怡