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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Video|Classic love story painted on porcelain travels overseas | Master & Masterpieces: Guangdong Treasures⑤
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:文艺、朱绍杰、梁善茵 发表时间:2023-12-27 22:20

Imagine, at an 18th-century European noble banquet, a group of fair-haired and blue-eyed foreigners gathers around a porcelain bowl from China, cheering and exclaiming with delight. This porcelain bowl, brimming with fine wine, captivates the guests, who, with a slight intoxication on their faces, eagerly evaluate its beauty. Upon closer inspection, they discover intricate depictions of characters and stories from the renowned Chinese classical opera"The West Chamber".

Nearly three centuries later, this porcelain bowl is bestowed with the name Famille Rose Outlined Figure Porcelain Bowl with Stories from the Qianlong Period (1735-1796) during the Qing Dynasty, and once again, it reappears before us as an exquisite cultural relic, showcased at the Guangdong Museum.

Recently, Professor Dong Shangde, a renowned expert in Chinese opera studies and a professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Sun Yat-sen University, granted an exclusive interview to the Yangcheng Evening News. Through an exploration of "The West Chamber" and its connection to this painted porcelain, he elucidated the enchanting fusion between classical Chinese literature and Chinese ceramics.

"Foreigners may not comprehend the textual essence of 'The West Chamber', but they can gain an understanding of the timeless love story of Chinese classics through the pictorial narratives depicted on porcelain, which makes theatrical scenes real and classic," said Professor Dong Shangde.






(鸣谢:广东省博物馆 广东外语外贸大学留学生教育学院 中山大学中文系)

总策划 | 杜传贵 林海利
总统筹 | 孙爱群 陈桥生
统筹执行 | 邓琼 吴小攀 朱绍杰
文 | 记者 文艺 朱绍杰 梁善茵 实习生 肖佳妮
视频出镜 | 董上德 阿列娜(俄罗斯)利玛窦(俄罗斯)
图 | 文三原
译  | 陈萱