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Video|Martinos Mandalidis: the tree of cultureneeds joint cultivation of Sino-Greek cultural exchange and mutual learning
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮、钟振彬 发表时间:2023-12-27 21:16

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. With the joint efforts of all parties, the Belt and Road Initiative has achieved substantial results, becoming a popular international public platform for international cooperation.

In August 2018, Greece became the first developed European country to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on government-to-government cooperation in jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative with China. Recently, Yangcheng Evening News conducted an exclusive interview with Martinos Mandalidis, the Consul General of Greece in Guangzhou.

Matinos Mandaritis said, "In 2022, we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Greece and China. It can be said that over the past 50 years, Greece and China have built a strong and mutually beneficial partnership."

The exchange and mutual learning between Greece and China's ancient civilisations is an unavoidable topic. In February 2023, the Center of Chinese and Greek Ancient Civilizations was established in Athens, Greece. Mandaritis said, "The long history and rich cultural heritage of our two countries are the pride of our peoples. At the same time, these heritages also give us more responsibility to make more efforts to study, share, protect and restore our monuments and cultural heritage. Greece and China can engage in more exchanges and sharing in this field."

Speaking of the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, Mandaritis said, "As a member of the European Union, Greece has always maintained an open attitude towards cooperation initiatives that can enhance connectivity between Europe and China with mutual benefits and concrete results. Participating in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative has expanded cooperation between Greece and China in various aspects."

For future cooperation, Mandaritis looks forward to further expanding the share of Greek export products in the Chinese market."For example, we hope to expand cooperation in the fields of agricultural products, pharmaceutical industry, and construction materials." He cited as an example that with the increasing demand of the Chinese public for a healthy diet, he believes that a healthy Mediterranean diet will have greater appeal to the Chinese market.

Mandaritis also mentioned Guangdong Province. He stated that Guangdong is one of the most important export destinations for Greece in China. At the same time, in fields such as technology, innovation, and real estate, there are also many investors from Guangdong choosing Greece. He said, "We have established a strong partnership with Guangdong. Guangdong has the largest share of exports and imports. At the same time, Guangdong also has two world-class ports, Guangzhou Port and Shenzhen Port. Commercial fleets from Greece transport Chinese goods to overseas countries through Guangdong and other provinces, while also shipping a large amount of energy and commodities to China."

Mandaritis also said that he is very concerned about the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. "As far as I know, a number of policies and incentives have been introduced in the Greater Bay Area, and we are closely monitoring its development for more cooperation opportunities."

Produced jointly by Yangcheng Evening News and Guangdong People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

希腊驻广州总领事马提诺斯·曼达里蒂斯:中希文明 交流互鉴 文化之树需共同灌溉


2018年8月,希腊成为首个同中国签署政府间共建“一带一路”合作谅解备忘录的欧洲发达国家。近期,羊城晚报独家专访了希腊驻广州总领事马提诺斯·曼达里蒂斯(Martinos Mandalidis)。







(羊城晚报 广东省人民对外友好协会 联合出品)

文|记者 谭铮
图|记者 钟振彬