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Embracing the new year: Ancient Guangzhou enamel clock to ring again after over two centuries
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉 发表时间:2023-12-27 21:16

How will you count down to the New Year and welcome 2024 on the last night of 2023?

In the final three hours of 2023, Guangzhou Museum is set to host a vibrant New Year's Eve celebration at the historical Zhenhai Tower, a 600-year-old structure. The festivities include a themed garden party, a New Year's light show, and the enchanting sound of the "Qianlong-loved" clock.

In 1380, during the expansion of Guangzhou city by Marquis Yongjia, Zhu Liangzu, the three cities built In Song Dynasty were consolidated into one. At the highest point of the northern city wall, Zhenhai Tower was constructed. It has witnessed over six centuries of history. Positioned atop Yuexiu Mountain, it has evolved from a defensive structure to a renowned historical landmark, witnessing many young people growing old in the city. The museum's New Year's event will unfold withIn the walls of this iconic tower, which is rich in historical significance.

Commencing at 9:00 PM on December 31st, the night will kick off with a "Journey Through Time in Guangdong." Eighteen NPCs will present tasks, rewarding participants with the latest cartoon-character stamps upon completing era-specific game challenges.

At 11:58 PM, a spectacular light show will captivate the audience. Designed by the team behind Guangzhou International Light Festival, the show will project digital animations onto Zhenhai Tower, featuring elements of Guangzhou's culture and artifacts from the museum's collection. The light show will end with a countdown animation, bidding farewell to 2023 in a ceremonious manner.

On New Year's Eve, the enchanting sound of clocks is inevitable. After the New Year's light show at Guangzhou Museum on the evening of December 31st, the clocks from two centuries ago will transcend time and resonate within Zhenhai Tower, echoing twelve times to herald the new year.

The New Year's clocks at Zhenhai Tower are from the museum's collection, known as the "Guangzhou enamel clock" - a meticulously restored Qing Dynasty gilded enamel copper tower clock making its public debut.

Known for its timekeeping and musical capabilities, the "Guangzhou enamel clock" was favored by Emperor Qianlong, who would delight in winding it up for musical enjoyment. Professionally recorded for clarity, the "Qianlong-loved" chimes will echo at 12:00 AM on January 1st, 2024, creatIng a memorable start to the new year for citizens and visitors alike.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News










文 | 记者 黄宙辉 通讯员 张莉岚
译 |刘佳慧
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