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Experience the exotic beauty of BRI countries through documentaries
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉、陈晓楠、梁善茵 发表时间:2023-12-06 15:53

The 20th Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival (GZDOC) will be held in Guangzhou from December 4th to 7th.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative. According to the organizing committee of GZDOC, the documentary films collection for the GZDOC this year not only covers the other side of the Pacific Ocean, but also follows the Belt and Road Initiative, receiving many high-quality documentaries from Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

According to statistics, among the works collected in this session, 3,234 of them are from 58 BRI countries, accounting for nearly half of the total number of collections. These works showcase the unique natural and cultural charm of the BRI countries.

Despite the relatively limited regional resources, the documentary films on the BRI countries continue to tell fascinating stories about this ancient continent.

The themes of documentaries often revolve around issues such as social changes, environmental protection, and cultural identity. While these may seem like concerns shared by all humanity, creators find strong personal characteristics in the grand narration of these topics, embedding serious themes into individual experiences and showcasing unique and exotic narrative styles.

Taking the Argentine documentary "All That Breathes" as an example, director Shaunak Sen once said in an interview that, rather than showcasing thrilling social events, he prefers to touch upon the nature and the texture of the times lightly, weaving profound thoughts into refreshing stories.

In the film, with the story of the two Saud brothers, who treat the injured black kite the director extends the theme of nature to family and society. However, she does not deliberately emphasize the importance of a specific theme but instead focuses on showing the multiple relationships between humans and birds, humans and humans, and humans and society, allowing the audience to immerse themselves as an individual to observe the root of the trauma in nature, family, and society - the alienation of human cognition.

It is reported that this year, many foreign films have explored more diverse forms of expression in documentaries through the use of technology, trying to blur the boundaries between reality and the documentaries. When reality no longer needs to be emphasized deliberately, the artistic attributes of documentaries have once again become more interpretable.

For example, the Brazilian documentary animation "Where is Heleny" tells the story of Heleny Guariba, a philosopher and theater director who went missing in Brazil during the dictatorship in 1971. This animated documentary uses fabric and animation to present the memories of the people she loved to the audience. The short film connects the entire storyline through documentary narration, reflecting its political stand through exploration and questioning. The form of animation weakens the sharpness of the theme of the documentary, but still presents the theme firmly with confrontation.

Different stories will meet the audience at the GZDOC as a documentary community of shared fate.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News












文 | 记者 黄宙辉 陈晓楠 梁善茵
图 | 组委会提供
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 赵丹