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Endangered black-faced spoonbills flock to Guangdong during migration season
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:张爱丽 发表时间:2023-12-05 22:50

In the midst of the migratory season for birds, it has been reported by the Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province that a large group of endangered black-faced spoonbills has recently appeared in the Haifeng Reserve. The gathered black-faced spoonbills have exceeded 100 in number.

Renowned for their spoon-shaped bills resembling the Chinese instrument, the pipa, black-faced spoonbills are classified as a first-level protected wildlife species in China. Their elegant demeanor has earned them the monikers "Black-faced Angels" or "Black-faced Dancers."

According to staff at the Haifeng Reserve, tracking and monitoring of the black-faced spoonbills have been conducted in various zones since October. Numerous sightings have revealed these graceful birds foraging in wetlands. The current count of gathered black-faced spoonbills has surpassed 100.

The black-faced spoonbills first appeared in Haifeng Reserve in 2004, initially numbering 27. The 2023 global synchronized survey recorded 423 black-faced spoonbills, including eight individuals with leg rings - a record high since the area began participating in the global survey in 2004.

In recent years, the protection area has enhanced its waterfowl ecological corridors and biodiversity protection network. Stringent measures against wetland destruction and illegal bird trapping have contributed to improving the ecological landscape and attracting numerous birds. By the end of 2021, 256 bird species were documented within the wetland area. In February of this year, the protection area also spotted traces of painted stork, the national first-level protected bird, for the first time.

As temperatures drop, the first batch of migratory birds (great egret, grey heron, purple heron, and northern shoveler ) has arrived in Guangdong. October witnessed the arrival of various bird species in the Nansha Wetland in Guangzhou. Mid-October marked the appearance of the first 21 black-faced spoonbills wintering in the Neilingding Futian National Nature Reserve in Guangdong. Hengqin in Zhuhai also celebrated its first sighting of water pheasants in the Erjing Bay Wetland Park. November brought the first group of migratory birds, including two swans, to Huizhou. Reports from cities like Zhanjiang, Shaoguan, and Meizhou indicate the influx of various rare bird species, turning them into local "internet celebrities.

During the migratory season, Guangdong intensifies protection and restoration efforts at crucial points along the migratory routes within the province. This proactive approach has contributed to the gradual recovery and growth of wild bird populations. As of now, Guangdong has documented 584 species of wild birds, including 136 nationally protected species and 107 provincially protected species.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News  









文、图|记者 张爱丽 通讯员 林荫
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 苏敏