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"Friendship Award" recipient Mark Levine invites others to experience the real China
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮、高焓、周巍 发表时间:2023-12-05 22:48

On the morning of December 4th, prior to the commencement of various forums at the 5th World Media Summit, a distinguished foreign guest with greying hair strolled through the venue, carrying a thermos. When asked which session he planned to attend, he chuckled and replied, "I just visited that hall twice, came back to this one, and I'm still deciding which discussion to join."

This avid participant in every forum is Professor Mark Levine from the Central University for Nationalities and a recipient of the Chinese government's "Friendship Award." Having lived in China for 18 years since arriving from the United States in 2005, Levin has traversed numerous cities and ventured into rural China. He remarked, "In my travels across China, I have witnessed a 'people-centered' development philosophy, which I believe will be the central idea for future prosperity, bringing about both economic and cultural flourishing."

Levin visited Kashgar in Xinjiang to observe China's poverty alleviation efforts. "Locals mentioned that the government provided subsidies to help rebuild their houses, and life has improved significantly," Levin recalled. In a modern three-bedroom home, a resident told him, "The government listens to what we want rather than dictating what we should do. Local officials say they are here to solve our problems, to help us develop sustainably, not just staying for a day or two." In Yecheng County, the government dispatched many experts to teach local farmers how to grow vegetables in greenhouse sheds, providing funds to kickstart the cultivation. In Yarkant County, after the renovation of the old city, the living environment for locals improved. These experiences left a profound impact on Levin.

Having traveled to different parts of China and engaging in conversations with diverse people, Levin has developed an increasingly nuanced understanding of China. Eager to convey an authentic portrayal of China to the world, he established a studio centered around telling Chinese stories. "Most of my life is spent telling Chinese stories. This is the World Media Summit, and it's a great opportunity to share my experiences in China with the global media," he expressed.

During an interview with reporters, Levin emphasized that in his 18 years of living in China, he has encountered the most genuine aspects of the country. "The Chinese government is developing in a very peaceful manner, actively seeking mutual benefits between nations." He believes events like the World Media Summit are meaningful, providing media from around the world the chance to step into China and personally experience the ongoing transformations in the country.

Levin also expressed his hope for more American youth to visit China, witnessing firsthand the changes and stories of the country.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News








文 | 记者 谭铮 高焓
图 | 记者 周巍
译 | 刘佳慧
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 苏敏