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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Zhaoqing Yanzhou Island: "Emerald" in the West River
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:牛智杰 发表时间:2023-12-05 21:08

The soft light of dawn, ascending to a high vantage point, gazes at Yanzhou Island. Distant peaks resemble ink paintings, still tinged with traces of the night. The river flows steadily and slowly, and a few boats, adorned with red lights, drift like fallen leaves with the current. Yanzhou Island is enveloped in a gentle mist rising from the river.

As the sun rises, its rays illuminate the landscape. The mountains become clear, and the river begins to ripple, stirring with the morning light. It cascades onto the endless white sand beaches, awakening the sleeping islands. Yanzhou Island is gradually coming to life. Lights flicker in the houses on the island, and a thin mist quietly slips away from the treetops, alleys, and fields. Gradually, crimson clouds appear, flowing over the reflecting fish ponds and water fields, spreading across the pathways and roads... Yanzhou Island is like a dream.

The sun, stirring the morning glow, awakens the world. As everything comes to life, the hues of dawn gradually subside, revealing the true colors of Yanzhou Island. Lush tree-lined forests, scattered fields, and ponds divide the entire island into vibrant colors like emerald green, pale yellow, and rich gold, adorned with ancient residential buildings. The blue waters of the West River flow gently, with boats constantly traversing its surface. The entire Yanzhou Island stands in the river like a well-proportioned and exquisite giant inkstone.

Climbing to the top of Yanzhou Island, one arrives at the Baogong Building, surrounded by green trees and adorned with blue bricks and yellow tiles. Legend has it that Bao Zheng, also known as Baogong, once served as an official in Duanzhou (modern-day Zhaoqing). While sailing through the Lingyang Gorge, he encountered fierce winds and waves. Bao Zheng then threw a piece of inkstone into the river, and immediately, the wind and waves subsided. Later, that inkstone transformed into a sandbank, known as an "Inkstone Sandbar". In honor of this event, people built the Baogong Building on the island during the Qing Dynasty. Other ancient structures on the island include the Ancestral Hall of the Chen Family, the former residence of Chen Huanzhang, and the Luo Clan Ancestral Hall.

Along the mottled stone path, weaving through ancient alleys, many grey brick houses on both sides of the alley, constructed with gray stones, quietly settle with the weight of history and culture. Arriving at the Ancestral Hall of the Chen Family, white walls and yellow tiles, green tiles, undulating roof ridges, and delicate gray sculptures showcase the craftsmanship of the artisans. In front of the ancestral hall stands a flagpole representing achievements, recording the glory brought to the island by Chen Huanzhang, known as the "first overseas-returned doctor along the West River". Water stains in ink colors on the white walls and moss dots on the roof ridges bear witness to the passage of time.

Mulberry fish ponds, the shade of big banyan trees, and the banana groves of the water town... Yanzhou Island paints a picturesque scene with the distinctive charm of Lingnan. Sunlit beaches, boat rides on the waves, parasailing in the sky... Various entertainment activities bring new vitality to the island. As the wind rises, it blows away the waves in the oasis, and the rivers on both sides of Yanzhou Island continue to flow. The new generation is using this ancient "inkstone" to create a new and prosperous picture.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News








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文 | 记者 牛智杰
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