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Four international conferences to be held in Guangzhou within one week
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:罗仕、周巍、蔡嘉鸿 发表时间:2023-12-04 22:46

In the picturesque December, adorned with beautiful blossoms, Guangzhou welcomes both the relaxing weather and friends from around the globe.

Following the kickoffs of the 2023 Understanding China Conference and the 5th World Media Summit, the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum and the 2023 Global Mayors' Forum will also take place in Guangzhou this week. In a single week, four major international conferences will be held in Guangzhou successively, allowing the city to step onto the global stage, once again engaging in dialogue and fostering consensus with the world on behalf of China.

It will be a boisterous weekend for Guangzhou, bustling with global guests. On December 2nd, the 2023 Understanding China Conference commenced with the theme "China's New Endeavors Amid Unprecedented Global Changes: Expanding the Convergence of Interests and Building a Community of Shared Future", attracting over 600 attendees from more than 30 countries and regions. It was jointly hosted by the China Institute for Innovation & Development Strategy, the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, and the People's Government of Guangdong Province.

On December 3rd, the 5th World Media Summit, co-hosted by Xinhua News Agency, the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and the People's Government of Yunnan Province, kicked off in Nansha, Guangzhou. Over 450 representatives from 197 mainstream media organizations, think tanks, government agencies, embassies or consulates in China from 101 countries and regions worldwide, as well as over 450 representatives from United Nations agencies and international organizations, participated in the summit, engaging in exchanges under the theme "Boosting Global Confidence, Promoting Media Development".

On December 4th, the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum with the theme "Multilateralism: More Exchange, Greater Inclusiveness and Cooperation" will kick off in Guangzhou, gathering over 130 guests from political, academic and business circles from over 40 countries. It is co-hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Australia-China Friendship Society, the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and the Global Leadership League.

Furthermore, from December 7th to 9th, the 2023 Global Mayor's Forum and relevant events will also be held in Guangzhou. The forum is jointly organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality, the World Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments, and the United Cities and Local Governments, with the theme "High-quality Development: Urban Innovation and Cooperation". As of November 29th, representatives from 63 cities in 37 countries and nine international organizations have confirmed their participation.

Looking into these conferences, it is evident that they are all at the international level, with the participation of a large number of foreign guests to highlight the similar keywords "exchange" and "cooperation". On the other hand, these high-standard conferences involve prominent organizations from at home and abroad as co-organizers.

Why do high-level international conferences tend to choose Guangzhou as their venue?

Part of the reason is rooted in Guangzhou's past. To understand today's China, one must begin by looking into its history. As the birthplace of the Maritime Silk Road, the cradle of China's democratic revolution, and the center of Lingnan culture, throughout its history of over 2000 years, Guangzhou has never shut down its trading ports and has always been a window for China's foreign exchanges and trade, with its rich and splendid heritage of history and culture.

But of course, the most important reason lies in its present and future. As a national central city, the core engine of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the capital city of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou has become an important showcase of China's achievements in reform and opening up for the international community. Today, as China embarks on the new journey of modernization, Guangzhou also serves as an excellent window to display the Chinese path to modernization. Currently, focusing on the magnificent blueprint for modernization, Guangzhou is taking the lead and setting the pace in the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the advancement of China's unique model of modernization.

As a drop of water can reflect the brilliance of the sun, a city can also be the epitome of a nation.

Setting foot in Guangzhou, participants from at home and abroad will have an opportunity to appreciate China's splendid culture and long history, while witnessing the fruitful achievements of China's modernization through the enormous changes in modern and contemporary China.

In history, Guangzhou, as a commercial hub for centuries, assumed the important role of foreign exchange and trade. Today, in the new journey of advancing China's modernization, Guangzhou has also established platforms for communication, exchange, and consensus-building, striving to fulfill its mission of engaging in dialogue with the world.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News





12月3日,由新华社、广东省人民政府、云南省人民政府联合主办的第五届世界媒体峰会在广州南沙开幕,来自世界101个国家和地区的197家主流媒体、智库、政府机构、驻华使领馆以及联合国机构和国际组织的450余名代表,围绕“提振全球信心 共促媒体发展”主题交流互动。










文 | 记者 罗仕
图 | 记者 周巍 蔡嘉鸿
译 | 洪婷
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 彭继业