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Insights from John L. Thornton on how Americans perceive Sino-US relations and Chinese people
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:张璐瑶、蔡嘉鸿 发表时间:2023-12-03 22:30

On December 2nd, the 2023 Understanding China Conference officially kicked off in Guangzhou. During the opening ceremony, John L. Thornton, the Honorary Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Brookings Institution and Executive Chairman of the Asia Society, delivered a speech highlighting the perception of Chinese people among ordinary Americans. He believed that to strengthen Sino-US relations in the new era, it is crucial to pay more attention to American youth and engage with them using language they can understand.

"How one perceives the world often depends on their background and experiences." John L. Thornton believed that in order to understand a culture, one must approach it with humility, curiosity, and empathy.

On this basis, he argued that fostering stronger Sino-US relations in the new era also requires humility, curiosity, and empathy. It is important to approach this topic based on facts rather than sensational stories. "I do not believe in rumors and hearsay," he said.

How do Americans view China, Sino-US relations, and Chinese people? During his speech, John L. Thornton shared the results of a survey conducted by American scholars a few months ago.

The survey results showed that the Chinese people are well-liked and welcomed by the American people. China is seen as having a strong and stable economy, and its cultural traditions and heritage are highly attractive to Americans. "In the eyes of Americans, China is a responsible and proactive international participant," he said.

When it comes to the opinion of American to Chinese people? According to the survey, the majority of respondents used keywords such as hardworking, innovative, reliable, economically powerful and stable, and compassionate.

"It comes out with a conclusion that cultural exchange is the most important and promising aspect of Sino-US relations," John Sutton stated.

He also mentioned that due to different cultural backgrounds, ordinary Chinese and American people have different perspectives on the concept of "win-win" results. If the term "mutual benefits" is used instead, it is more readily accepted by ordinary Americans.

Therefore, he hopes that to strengthen Sino-US relations in the new era, attention should be given to listening to the voices of ordinary Americans and engaging with them using language they can understand.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News











文|记者 张璐瑶
图|记者 蔡嘉鸿
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 赵丹丹