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Mulatu Teshome: Ethiopia views China model as an international exemplar
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:鄢敏、宋金峪、蔡嘉鸿 发表时间:2023-12-03 21:23

On the morning of December 2nd, the2023 Understanding China Conference opened at the Guangzhou Yuexiu International Congress Center. During the opening ceremony, former Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome shared insights into the positive impacts brought about by the collaborative efforts of the "Belt and Road Initiative."

Mulatu Teshome, who once served as Ethiopia's ambassador to China and is fluent in Chinese, is a well-versed individual in Chinese affairs. Having witnessed China's remarkable achievements in economic and social development over the past four decades, he said,"Based on these successful development experiences, China continues to promote mutually beneficial interactions with the rest of the world." Mulatu Teshome praised China as an active participant in economic globalization, upholding multilateral mechanisms while actively engaging in reforming and constructing the global governance system.

According to Mulatu Teshome, the Belt and Road Initiative has brought profound changes to people worldwide, marking a significant milestone in the history of human social development. He said that after the proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative, Ethiopia considers China model as an international example worthy of emulation.

In Mulatu Teshome's perspective, China's proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative in response to global challenges, envisioning a world characterized by lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusivity, and environmental beauty, is a correct historical choice. This vision opens up a brighter prospect for the common development of humanity. He added, "We are willing to work hand in hand with China to turn these visions into reality."

Mulatu Teshome pointed out that in today's interconnected world, nations are more frequently and closely linked than ever before, emphasizing the interdependence of human destinies. He also noted the escalating challenges to global security and the pressing issues in global development and security governance. Issues such as conflicts, food security, terrorism, cyber-attacks, climate change, energy crises, major infectious diseases, and artificial intelligence threaten our shared planet. Therefore, Mulatu Teshome called for new ideas and new thinking to address these challenges and collaboratively build a better future.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







文 | 记者 鄢敏
图 | 记者 宋金峪 蔡嘉鸿
译 | 刘佳慧
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 赵丹丹