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Poster | What will be 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum about? 2023从都国际论坛来了,今年的主题是……
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:付怡、王楠 发表时间:2023-12-03 21:22

With its inauguration in 2014, Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF) has been held for seven consecutive sessions. The 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum is held from November 3rd to 5th.

The theme of the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum is “Multilateralism: More Exchanges, Greater Inclusiveness and Cooperation”. More than 130 guests from political, academic, and business circles in over 40 countries, including over 30 former heads of state, heads of government, and leaders of international organizations, over 60 internationally-renowned experts and scholars and representatives of diplomatic missions, attended the Forum. 

This year's ISIF will mainly focus on the following topics: 1. Global Strategic Stability; 2. Driving Economic Recovery and Global Cooperation; 3. Traditional and Non Traditional Global Challenges and Solutions; 4. Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; 5. The Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, Global Civilization Initiative and High-Quality Development of Belt & Road Cooperation, Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind; 6. Friendly People-to-people Exchanges and Future Development of the World; 7. Multilateralism and Reforming Global Governance.

With the aims of initiating substantive discussions on world peace, economic development and cultural exchanges, promoting greater understanding and consensus among all parties, for regional as well as global cooperation, ISIF is a new type of high-end platform for China to conduct in-depth communication with the rest of the world.
Source :Yangcheng Evening News


今年,论坛迎来了来自 40 多个国家的 130 多位政界、学界和商界等领域的嘉宾,其中包括 30 多位前国家元首、政府首脑和国际组织负责人,60 多位知名专家学者、外交使节。



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