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The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation | Foreign journalists learn intangible cultural heritage while reporting
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮、周巍 发表时间:2023-10-17 23:08

The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation has been held in Beijing from October 17th to 18th. The Media Center in the China National Convention Center has opened its doors to welcome guests.

In addition to providing high-speed internet coverage to meet the reporting needs of journalists, the Media Center also features various distinctive elements such as interactive displays showcasing the fusion of technology and culture, as well as experiences of traditional Chinese culture, so as to promote cultural exchanges among countries.

Based on the main visual blue color of the forum, the Media Center incorporates elements such as ink paintings, silk, porcelain, and traditional Chinese architectural eaves. On both sides of the public workspace stand two giant open-book-like decorations with paintings named the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road". By scanning a QR code with a mobile phone, AR (augmented reality) technology superimposes scenes of the ancient Silk Road onto screens, depicting iconic buildings and cooperative achievements by BRI countries.

What captivates attention is the interactive display area combining technology and culture. In this area, journalists can "tour" Beijing firsthand through techniques such as 8K, 360-degree virtual shooting, and artificial intelligence. By using gestures, journalists can choose to enter different scenes, such as the central axis of the capital Beijing, three landmarks in Beijing's sub-center in Tongzhou district, the Olympic Park, and the Zhongguancun Science Park, and explore them from the aerial, ground, canal, and high-speed rail views.

Furthermore, the on-site interactive experience area for inheriting intangible cultural heritage within the center has attracted many foreign media friends who wish to appreciate the charm of Chinese intangible cultural heritage. In the woodblock watermarking experience area, Maldivian journalist FATHIMATH SAARA was attentively experiencing the use of various tools under the guidance of a teacher. The teacher patiently explained the required strength and techniques for each step. Before long, an adorable ink panda appeared on the paper.

FATHIMATH SAARA told reporters that this was her second time attending the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation for reporting. She previously visited China in 2019 and had also experienced another traditional Chinese craft during that time. "The diverse architecture and culture made me feel the profound Chinese history. I really enjoyed making this little panda today. It was a wonderful experience."

Regarding the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, FATHIMATH SAARA said, "Ten years is a crucial milestone. Under the framework of jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative, many countries have developed and improved infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and housing. During the forum, representatives from over 140 countries and more than 30 international organizations will share past achievements, discuss the present focus, and explore the future. I am looking forward to it."






此外,设置在新闻中心内的非遗传承人现场互动体验区,更是吸引了不少外媒朋友前来领略中国非遗魅力。在木版水印技艺体验区,记者遇到了来自马尔代夫的同行FATHIMATH SAARA,她正在老师的指导下,专心致志地体验各种工具的用法。一旁的老师耐心地向她讲解每一步骤需要的力度和技法。不一会儿,一只憨态可掬的水墨大熊猫跃然纸上。

FATHIMATH SAARA告诉记者,这是她第二次参加“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的采访报道,上一次来中国是在2019年,其间也体验了另外一项中华传统技艺。“各式建筑与文化让我感受到中国历史的丰富性。今天制作这个小熊猫,我很喜欢,是一次很好的经历。”

谈及第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,FATHIMATH SAARA表示:“十年是一个关键的节点。在共建‘一带一路’倡议的背景下,许多国家发展并完善了诸如桥梁、道路、住房等基础设施的建造。论坛举行期间,来自140多个国家、30多个国际组织的与会代表,将分享过去的成绩,讨论现在和未来。我非常期待。”

文 | 记者 谭铮
图 | 记者 周巍
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