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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Shanhai Salon made its debut in Yuexiu District to discuss the intercultural communication of Guangdong films
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李丽 发表时间:2023-10-16 18:00

On the afternoon of October 14th, the third Shanhai Salon, organized by Yangcheng Evening News as part of the 2023 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program (Maritime Guangdong Program), was held at Wuxian Taoist Temple in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. As an important component of Yuexiu District's 2023 Maritime Silk Road Culture Festival, the salon was hosted by the Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Yuexiu District. Cheng Haiming, the producer of "I Am What I Am" (Xiongshi Shaonian) and Chairman of Yi Animation, as well as Huang Changning, Executive President of Guangdong Motion Picture Industry Association and producer of "White Snake" engaged in a fascinating dialogue on the theme of "Intercultural Communication of Guangdong Films".

Yuexiu District is at the heart of Guangzhou, a city that boasts over two thousand years of history. It is the main political, economic, and cultural center of Lingnan and a crucial hub for maritime trade. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, this district has been a major exporter of pearls, silk, ceramics, tea, and spices to countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road. The Maritime Guangdong Program held the Shanhai Salon here, with the aim of exploring the global way of Guangdong films, and even Chinese films in the new era from the very starting point of the Maritime Silk Road.

During the salon, the two experienced Guangdong filmmakers used their own magnum opus to explain the opportunities and challenges faced by local films when "going global". Cheng Haiming introduced his film "I Am What I Am" successfully distributed overseas. He suggested that filmmakers should explore topics related to intangible cultural heritage, such as the Guangdong lion dance, as it offers a vast territory for local films. He also shared that the upcoming sequel "I Am What I Am II" will focus on Chinese martial arts, showcasing Guangdong's famous boxing styles like Hung Kuen. Huang Changning encouraged young directors to seize the opportunities brought by Guangdong's favorable policies and large market and overcome language barriers and cultural differences with compelling stories, pushing Chinese films to go further in the world.




在当天的沙龙中,两位资深的广东电影人以各自的电影代表作为例,阐述本土电影在“走出去”时面临的机遇和挑战。《雄狮少年》出品人程海明介绍了该片在海外的发行盛况。他建议创作者,多挖掘像广东醒狮那般的非遗题材,“这是本土电影的富矿”。他还透露,《雄狮少年 2》将以中国功夫为切入点,展现洪拳等广东名拳。《白蛇传·情》监制黄昌宁则鼓励青年导演们,抓住广东政策好、市场大的机遇,用好故事来跨越语言障碍和文化隔阂,让中国电影在世界上走得更远。

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