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Over 90% of citizens consider Guangzhou an ideal city to live in
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:陈泽云 发表时间:2023-07-22 23:41

As living standards continue to rise, people pose higher requirements for cities that not only provide shelter but also enable an "ideal living". A recent household survey conducted by Guangzhou Statistics Bureau among 5,000 permanent residents aged 18 to 65 from 200 communities in 39 administrative streets across 11 districts around the city revealed that over 90% of respondents regarded Guangzhou as an ideal place to live.

According to the survey data, 46.3% of respondents "strongly agreed" and 45.9% "somewhat agreed" with the statement "Guangzhou is my ideal city to live in", resulting in an overall agreement rate of 92.2%. Furthermore, the degree of agreement increased with raising factors such as age, monthly family income, and duration of residence in Guangzhou.

To Guangzhou residents, quality of life encompasses not only material comforts, such as clothing and food, but also the overall living conditions. As communities serve as the fundamental unit of residents' lives, Guangzhou has prioritized improving the appearance and quality of its communities in recent years. Results from the survey indicate that 27.4% of respondents reported that the improvement efforts had been "done", while 39.7% indicated it was "in progress". Conversely, respondents saying that the work was "planned" or "not implemented" accounted for 7.8% respectively, with 17.2% indicating they were unsure of the progress.

In addition, over 80% of residents stressed the belief that enhancing the appearance of their community would foster a greater sense of belonging, among which 35.4% indicated a "significant effect" and 47.9% perceived a "moderate effect". Notably, a more striking effect on the sense of belonging was observed among participants who considered the improvement efforts "completed" in their community. According to data, 92.3% acknowledged the positive influence of the sense of belonging, versus 66.7% of those thinking the efforts had "not been done".

As the well-being of thousands of households is at stake, Guangzhou remains to achieve new breakthroughs in community services, appearance, and living conditions to enhance the quality of life for its residents. In assessing six dimensions of environmental transformation in communities, including living conditions, appearance, services, cultural development, public safety, and management, respondents expressed the highest satisfaction with "community safety" (85.2%), while "community services" (76.3%) garnered the lowest. Residents indicated the greatest expectations for improving "community appearance" (57.6%), trailed by "community services" (56.3%) and "community living conditions" (49.7%).

The ultimate objective of enhancing the community environment is to foster community vitality. In this regard, 47.4% of respondents identified "improving the multi-functional layout of public spaces" as the most crucial factor, while 42.6% highlighted "encouraging residents to participate in community management" as pivotal. Additionally, the survey showed that stimulating community vitality requires improvement in the community's soft environment, including "repairing and improving the basic functions of the community", "enhancing the cultural appeal of the community" and "promoting the harmonious relationship among community residents." These measures aim to create an ideal community with complete functional services, a rich cultural heritage, and harmonious neighborly relationships, thereby injecting vitality into the community.




广州人的品质生活,要穿得好吃得好,更要住得好。社区作为居民生活的基本单元,广州市近年来一直致力于社区容貌品质提升的工作。调查显示,27.4%的受访市民表示所在社区“已完成”提升工作, “正在开展”为39.7%;“计划开展”和“没有开展”的比例均为仅占7.8%,另有17.2%表示“不了解”提升工作的开展情况。




文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 陈泽云 实习生 黄筠媛 通讯员 穗统宣
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 赵丹丹