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Guangdong Museum opens on Friday nights in summer vacation, with 5,000 tickets added
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉、邓勃 发表时间:2023-07-22 22:38

From July 21st to August 25th, the Guangdong Museum will resume its opening on Friday nights, with a special ticket package for two major exhibitions, providing the visitors with a unique night visiting experience, the reporter has learned.

A series of activities of "Summer Museum Nights 2023" will be held during the opening period on Friday nights, creating wonderful nights at the museum with dancing parties, concerts, lectures, handicraft activities, curator-guided tours, family-guided tours and other activities.

Since it's now summer vacation, many visitors find it hard to book a ticket for the Guangdong Museum.

In this regard, Xiao Haiming, the curator of the Guangdong Museum, said in an interview that the number of tickets available for reservation every day is 13,000, "which is totally insufficient and will always be booked up a week ahead".

To alleviate the problem of "insufficient tickets", starting from July 21st, the Guangdong Museum will extend its opening time on Friday nights by three and a half hours, putting off the closing time to 20:30. While at the same time, an additional 5,000 free tickets were offered for reservation on Friday nights, to ensure a quiet environment for the visitors to enjoy the exhibition at night.

During the extended opening hours on Friday nights, the five permanent exhibitions and the "Charm of the Mirror" exhibition for collectable bronze mirrors will also be opened normally. Ticket packages for special exhibitions"Splendor: Art in the Age of Victoria" and "An Exhibition of Antiquities from Ancient Syria" on Friday nights were launched for the first time, allowing the visitors to enjoy the exotic customs and historic culture of the two regions for just 96 yuan, rather than the original price 120 yuan.

On July 21st, the "Summer Museum Night 2023" of the Guangdong Museum kicked off with an activity titled "Summer Dance Flash Mob in Guangdong". Moving forward, a series of activities including concerts, classical music appreciation, handicraft activities, curator-guided tours and family-guided tours will also be held in the Guangdong Museum, creating wonderful summer nights at the museum for the visitors to enjoy nightlives full of cultural flavors.









文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄宙辉 通讯员 粤博宣
图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 邓勃
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