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​Photos|Animals in Guangzhou Zoo enjoying watermelon feast during Zhongfu
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:马思泳、陈秋明 发表时间:2023-07-22 22:39

On July 21st, the scorching heat of Zhongfu (the second phase of Sanfu, which is also known as dog days) arrived, and the animals at Guangzhou Zoo found a delightful way to beat the heat - a refreshing watermelon feast! As temperatures soared, the zoo organized a special cooling activity for its inhabitants, including hippos, elephants, gorillas, and rhinos, among others.

The fun "watermelon party" began as a feeding truck loaded with juicy watermelons rolled into the park. Each animal had its own unique way of enjoying this summertime treat.

The 23-year-old hippo named "Handa" received some special treatment before indulging in the watermelon. The caretakers cleaned its mouth and gave it some carrots as appetizers. Submerged in water, "Handa" opened its massive mouth wide, and the caretakers skillfully fed the watermelon directly into its mouth. Crunching sounds filled the air as the hippo devoured the entire watermelon, and the juice overflowed. With their large mouths, hippos are the third-largest land animals, following only elephants and white rhinos. Their unique "rake-like" teeth are perfectly adapted for eating water weeds.

Huang Zhihong, the head of the Educational Department at Guangzhou Zoo, explained, "Hippos have a special mouth, so we can feed them a whole watermelon without cutting it. They can bite it themselves."

The elephant named "Yuelong" had its own distinctive approach to devouring watermelon. It utilized its long trunk, not just its mouth.

"Yuelong"extended its trunk, sniffing the aroma of the watermelon first. Then, with a gentle tug, it open the watermelon and skillfully used its long trunk to lift the fruit and deliver it straight to its mouth. Even the dropped rind did not go to waste; "Yuelong" promptly collected and ingested it as well.

The rhinos utilized their horns to crush the watermelon, savoring the sweet and succulent flesh after breaking it open.

Black gorillas ate the watermelon like humans, taking bite-sized pieces. The caretakers cut the watermelon into chunks, and the gorillas sat leisurely, enjoying their tasty treat.

Although the animals enjoyed their watermelon feast, they were not allowed to indulge too much. Huang Zhihong emphasized, "The amount of food is regulated according to each animal's characteristics. Watermelon is just a snack for them. For instance, a herbivore like a hippo can only eat around 5 kilograms of watermelon per day, out of a total daily food intake of approximately 100 kilograms, and a gorilla can only eat half a watermelon a day."

With the scorching summer days, what other ways do the animals have to stay cool? According to a manager at Guangzhou Zoo, they have implemented various measures to help the animals beat the heat, taking into consideration the local weather conditions. These measures will be in place until October. During this period, the zoo has tailored different cooling strategies for various animals to ensure they have a comfortable summer.

To keep the wild animals at Guangzhou Zoo cool, the park has prepared air conditioning, fans, ice blocks, and cooling sprays. Additionally, they provide cooling herbal tea and chilled fruits as food options.

Huang Zhihong reminded visitors that animals primarily rely on physical cooling methods, and watermelon and other fruits are merely summertime snacks for them. It is essential for visitors not to feed the animals on their own and follow the zoo's guidelines to ensure the well-being of the animals during the summer months.














文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 马思泳
图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 陈秋明
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