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Vibrant Guangdong | Spring Festival as ICH boosts consumption in Guangdong
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:孙绮曼 发表时间:2025-02-14 21:36

The Chinese New Year of Snake welcomes the first Spring Festival since its inscription on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) List. In Guangdong, traditional cultural elements are integrated into cultural, commercial, and tourism activities. "ICH" became a trendy word in consumer markets, injecting vibrant energy into the economy. During the Spring Festival, consumer traffic in Guangzhou's commercial areas increased by 15% compared to the previous year. Local consumption reached 36.4 billion yuan, up 8.3%. Offline consumption totaled 20.8 billion yuan, an 11% year-on-year growth, while online consumption hit 15.6 billion yuan, growing by 5.1%. Key restaurants in Guangzhou also saw an 8% year-on-year increase in total turnover.

From January 28th to February 3rd, Guangzhou held over 300 commercial activities focusing on the "Spring Festival as an ICH." In the Beijing Road commercial street, consumer traffic reached 3.59 million, with total revenue expected to reach 361 million yuan. The Chimelong-Wanbo area saw a total of 3.05 million visitors and a cumulative sales figure of 114 million yuan. Stores of Guangzhou Grandbuy saw a surge in sales, with some categories of goods experiencing year-on-year growth of 100% to 200%.

Shenzhen, Dongguan, and Foshan also posted impressive results. In Shenzhen's Futian CBD, total visitors reached 413,800, a 21.56% increase, while revenue reached 435.78 million yuan, up 22.54%. In Bao'an District, eight key commercial areas saw over 2.66 million visitors, an increase of 50.99%, and total sales exceeded 200 million yuan, up 3.9%. In Longhua District, 55 large supermarkets generated about 404 million yuan in sales, with consumer traffic reaching 4.21 million.

During the Spring Festival, four key commercial areas in Dongguan, including Songshan Lake MixC, attracted more than 500,000 visitors. In Foshan, Lingnan Tiandi saw consumer traffic and sales grow by 12% and 16%, respectively. The Foshan Creative Industry Park experienced a 43% increase in consumer traffic, and Florentia Village attracted hundreds of thousands of consumers.

Guangdong's consumption was driven by both traditional methods and innovative policies. The trade-in policy led to significant results. From January 20th to February 1st, 1.2 million home appliances were sold, generating over 3.6 billion yuan in sales, while 625,000 digital products were sold, bringing in over 2 billion yuan.

From January 28th to February 3rd, Guangzhou's dining sector also performed well, with key restaurants seeing an 8% increase in total revenue. To boost consumption, Guangdong provided exclusive dining discounts at New Year-themed events such as the Greater Bay Area Lantern Festival, spring flower markets, and Pearl River Night Cruises. This initiative increased restaurant consumption and further enhanced Guangzhou's appeal as a city of gastronomy.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud

活力广东 | “非遗版春节”火出圈 广东消费市场喜迎“开门红”

蛇年春节,是农历新年申遗成功后的首个非遗年,广东在文商旅活动中融入大量传统文化元素,“非遗”成为消费热词,消费市场活力满满。整个春节期间,广州商圈客流量比去年同期增长15%,实现在地消费364亿元,同比增长8.3% 。其中,线下消费208亿元,同比增长11%;线上消费156亿元,同比增长5.1%;市内重点餐饮企业总营业额同比增长约8%。

1月28日至2月3日,广州围绕“非遗版春节”开展300多场商圈消费活动。北京路商圈客流量359.27万人次,预计总营收3.61亿元;长隆万博商圈累计客流量达到305.5万人次,累计销售额达到1.14亿元。广百股份各门店销售火爆,部分品类同比增长1 - 2倍。





文 | 记者 孙绮曼