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'White Snake' unlocks the 'youth code' of Cantonese Opera
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉、梁善茵 发表时间:2024-12-29 23:24

On December 28th, a special 10th-anniversary performance of the Cantonese opera "White Snake" was held at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou. Fans of the opera from all over gathered in the city to celebrate the anniversary. Since its debut in 2014, the play has become a successful example of the modernization of Cantonese opera, with its emphasis on "youth" and "creativity".

In July 2018, the film adaptation began production. As the first Cantonese opera film in China to be shot in 4K with immersive sound, it was released in theaters on May 20th, 2021. The film grossed over 23 million yuan at the box office, setting a new record for the box office of Chinese opera films. It also remained a top performer in the musical film category on Bilibili's movie channel for an extended period, earning both commercial success and critical acclaim. 

This production is full of innovations, successfully modernizing the classic love story IP, turning traditional opera into a cinematic experience, and transforming traditional aesthetics into a trendy style. It remains fresh and engaging with every viewing, attracting a large young audience. Zeng Xiaomin, who plays Bai Suzhen, stated that over the past ten years, the play has sparked a cultural wave online, with viewership exceeding 1 billion. Through the stage performance, film adaptation, and new media promotion, it has not only gathered a large following of young fans but also symbolizes the fusion of traditional culture with modern art. Zeng emphasized that Cantonese opera has a long history, and innovation is key to attracting the younger generation. 

In terms of film production, "White Snake" has made bold innovations. It ushers in a new era of large-scale opera films, using cinematic and popular storytelling techniques. The film also incorporates cutting-edge visual effects to recreate classic scenes, providing the audience with a fresh and immersive audiovisual experience. This approach is highly valuable, offering a new path for the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. It breathes new life into the ancient art form of Cantonese opera, with the potential to draw more young people into the world of traditional arts and allow them to experience its unique charm.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud


12 月 28 日,粤剧《白蛇传·情》十周年特别演出在广州中山纪念堂举行,各地戏迷齐聚羊城,共庆该剧十年“青春路”。自 2014 年首演,它凭借“青春”“创新”特质,成为粤剧年轻化的成功范例。

2018 年 7 月,其电影版开拍,作为国内首部 4K 全景声粤剧电影,2021 年 5 月 20 日公映后票房突破 2300 万元,创中国戏曲电影票房新高,还在 B 站电影频道歌舞片中长期居首,赢得市场与口碑。

这部剧创新点十足,实现经典爱情 IP 年轻化、戏曲艺术电影化、传统美学国潮风转化,常看常新,成功吸引年轻观众。饰演“白素贞”的曾小敏称,十年来该剧在全网掀起文化热浪,物料观看量超 10 亿。借助舞台、电影版及新媒体传播,它不仅汇聚大批年轻粉丝,更代表着传统文化与现代艺术融合。曾小敏强调,粤剧历史悠久,创新是吸引年轻一代的关键。


文 | 记者 黄宙辉 梁善茵 实习生 蒋晨璐 通讯员 林楷虹 祝燕彩
图 | 薛才焕
译 | 林佳岱
审 | 赵凡