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Shenzhen's original dance drama 'Wing Chun' in Paris!
来源:深圳特区报 发表时间:2024-10-06 20:15

Shenzhen's original dance drama "Wing Chun" will be staged four times at the Paris Palais des Congrès from October 4th to 6th, local time in France.

Prior to this, numerous French media outlets had extensively covered impending performances of "Wing Chun" in Paris. Upon the arrival of the production team on October 3rd, reporters from prominent local media outlets such as France 1, France 2, France 3, and Franceinfo flocked to the scene to interview the starring actors.

"The innovative fusion of dance, martial arts, and theater in 'Wing Chun' offers a refreshing experience for Western audiences. Through my interactions with the performers, I can sense their enthusiasm for this dance drama and their commitment to portraying their roles. I am confident that this passion will resonate with the spectators," said Valentine Leboeuf, a reporter from a leading local media outlet in France.

Lucy Lee, the CEO and producer of a French production company responsible for the Paris tour of "Wing Chun," explained that "Wing Chun" represents the latest masterpiece of Chinese dance drama, seamlessly integrating dance with martial arts and blending classical with modern elements. It boasts numerous highlights, and based on initial promotional efforts, both the French artistic community and audiences are eagerly awaiting "Wing Chun". Ticket sales have surpassed expectations, and she is confident in this production. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, rendering the performances of "Wing Chun" in Paris particularly meaningful.

The Paris Palais des Congrès, where "Wing Chun" will be performed, Is situated in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. It is a modern complex that hosts concerts, exhibitions, and commercial events, serving as a vital showcase for French culture and art. During the Paris Olympics this year, the main media center for the Olympics was housed at the Paris Palais des Congrès.

Source: lingnan On the Cloud




“《咏春》将舞蹈、武术和戏剧三者融合的做法很创新,对西方观众很有新鲜感。从与演员的交流中,我也能感受到他们对这部舞剧的热情,用心诠释角色。我相信,这份热情会感染观众。”法国当地主流媒体记者 Valentine Leboeuf 表示。

《咏春》在巴黎巡演的承接商、法国雪映碧丝制作公司总裁兼制作人 Lucy Lee介绍说,《咏春》是中国舞剧的最新代表作,既是舞蹈与武术的结合,也是古典与现代的融合,有很多高光点,从前期的推广情况看,法国艺术界和观众对《咏春》充满期待,售票情况超出预期,他对这部剧充满信心。今年是中法建交60周年,《咏春》在巴黎演出具有特别的意义。

