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South China Normal University delegation visits the Philippines for cultural exchange
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:戚美青、赵鹏 发表时间:2024-07-13 22:23

A delegation from the Center for Southeast Asian Studies of South China Normal University (SCNU) embarked on a half-month field research tour to the Philippines and other countries starting on July 1st. The delegation visited several academic institutions and social organizations, including the University of the Philippines (UP), the Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FFCCCII), the Philippine Association for Chinese Studies (PACS), and the Philippine Chinese Education Research Center.

The primary goal of this research trip is to enhance positive perceptions and foster friendship between China and the Philippines through educational exchange and cooperation. By engaging with universities, research institutions, social organizations, and key Chinese language education organizations in the Philippines, the delegation aimed to explore ways to improve bilateral people-to-people understanding.

Imee Su Martinez, Director of the UP Office of International Linkages, expressed hope for establishing collaborative exchange relations with Chinese universities. She anticipated that SCNU's visit could open avenues for academic exchanges between the two universities. Similarly, representatives including Vice President for Administration Isaias B. Reyes Ⅱ at New Era University (NEU) highlighted the urgent need for cooperation in research and talent cultivation between the Philippines and China. They proposed implementing educational collaborations across various disciplines and formats.

President Dr. Cecilio K. Pedro of the FFCCCII emphasized the importance of strengthening connections between educational institutions to promote economic and cultural exchanges between China and the Philippines, benefiting the folk society of both countries.

President Lucio Pitlo Ⅲ of the PACS noted the significant impact of academic visits amid the challenges faced by China-Philippine relations. He recognized SCNU's extensive experience and resources in education and research and looked forward to further cooperation in various fields, including economics, politics, culture, and tourism.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the intergenerational inheritance and the status of Chinese education in the Philippines, the delegation also visited multiple Chinese language educational organizations, the Association of Chinese-Filipino Schools in the Philippines (ACFSP), and representative Chinese language schools including Xavier School, Saint Jude Catholic School, CKS College, and the Philippine Cultural College. School representatives emphasized that broadening the exposure of Chinese culture to Filipino-Chinese students would help preserve Chinese cultural roots in the Philippines. They expressed eagerness to collaborate on teacher training, student exchange programs, and the development and innovation of educational models to contribute to the prosperity of Chinese language education.

ACFSP, as the primary organization for coordinating and servicing Chinese language education in the Philippines, plays a crucial role in uniting Chinese language schools and promoting Chinese language education. Mr. Judelio L. Yap, President of CKS College and Rotating President of ACFSP, highlighted the need to actively cultivate local Filipino Chinese language teachers and promote the integration between language education and vocational training, which are essential for the sustainable development of international Chinese language education.

SCNU has established an interdisciplinary platform for research on Southeast Asian studies. This platform aims to study Southeast Asian issues from an inclusive academic perspective. SCNU has developed distinctive regional studies in education, culture and communication, and political geography, contributing to the broader field of Southeast Asian research.

华南师范大学代表团一行访问菲律宾 人文交流促进中菲理解



菲律宾大学国际事务联络办公室主任Imee Su Martinez表示,菲大希望与中国高校建立合作交流关系,希望此行华师的到访可以打开两校的交流通道。菲律宾新纪元大学行政副校长Isaias B. Reyes Ⅱ等代表均表示,该校当前与中国在科研与人才培养方面有着较为迫切的合作需求,双方可在多个学科与多种合作形式上落实中菲教育合作。


菲律宾中华研究学会会长卢西奥·皮特洛三世(Lucio Pitlo Ⅲ)表达在中菲关系面临诸多挑战的当下,学术机构访菲意义重大。华南师范大学在教育和研究方面具有丰富的经验和资源,期待未来能够进一步加强双方在经济、政治、文教、旅游等多领域的合作研究。

为深入了解菲律宾教育界在华文教育方面的代际传承及主要情况,调研团还走进了多个菲律宾华文教育组织、菲律宾华文学校联合总会及当地代表性华校:光启中学(Xavier School)、崇德学校(Saint Jude Catholic School)、中正学院(CKS College)以及侨中学院(Philippine Cultural College)等。各校方均表示,让华裔学生更广阔地接触和理解中华文化,有助于推动中华文化在菲律宾“留根”,期待在教师培训、学生交流项目以及教育模式的开发与创新等方面共同探索,为华文教育事业的繁荣发展贡献力量。



文 | 记者 戚美青 赵鹏 通讯员 钟燕慧
图 | 华南师范大学东南亚研究中心供图
译 | 郑圣浩