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Navigating the challenges and opportunities of unmanned driving
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:沈钊 发表时间:2024-07-13 22:23

Recently, various local governments have been actively promoting the commercialization and regulation of smart driving, making unmanned driving a hot topic of discussion. On July 9th, Lin Jian, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded to the global popularity of "China Travel," noting that foreign tourists' "immersive" experiences and photos showcased China's vibrant development. He praised "Cyber Wuhan" for its futuristic Optics Valley Suspended Monorail Line and driverless cars. As unmanned driving gradually enters the public eye, it brings with it a profound transformation marked by both challenges and opportunities.

Guangzhou began the road testing of unmanned vehicles on public roads as early as the end of 2017. In 2018, cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen issued guidelines and management measures for intelligent and connected vehicles, followed by more cities joining the push for autonomous driving. According to incomplete statistics, 51 cities nationwide have introduced pilot demonstration policies for autonomous driving, accelerating the expansion of its application scenarios.

The innovation in autonomous driving technology is driving the transformation of cars from traditional single-purpose vehicles to mobile smart platforms, restructuring the industrial chain and fostering the rise of emerging industries.

Before driverless vehicles became commonplace, public discussion on autonomous driving was relatively sparse, apart from industry professionals. This situation changed with the large-scale operation of Apollo Go in Wuhan, sparking unprecedentedly intense discussions on autonomous driving.

Since the beginning of 2024, Apollo Go has been accelerating its deployment in Wuhan, igniting heated debates. Since May, some Wuhan residents have complained that autonomous vehicles "drive slowly" and "stop moving," exacerbating traffic congestion in the city. Additionally, there have been online claims that Wuhan taxi drivers are unhappy with the deployment of Apollo Go, feeling that it threatens their livelihood.

Many industry experts attribute the former issue mainly to the need for further refinement of autonomous driving technology. Regarding concerns about driverless cars taking away jobs from taxi and ride-hailing drivers, Pan Helin, a member of the Expert Committee for Telecommunication Economy of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, believes that at this stage, driverless vehicles do not pose a challenge to traditional taxis. He argues that driverless taxis are still more of an experiential project and have not yet formed effective transport capacity. The main competition for taxis comes from within the ride-hailing and taxi industries themselves. Pan Helin contends that driverless vehicles are an inevitable trend in technological development. From an overall economic perspective, they can bring greater economic benefits and value increments, such as the construction of vehicle-road coordination systems and the growth of the automotive industry's output value driven by in-car entertainment facilities and vehicle intelligence.

Gu Dasong, Executive Director of the Research Center for Traffic Rule of Law and Development of Southeast University, stated that in the long run, autonomous driving might reduce the demand for traditional drivers such as taxi and freight drivers to some extent. However, this replacement does not simply mean job losses but rather an upgrade in employment structure, promoting a profound transformation of the labor market.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News









文 | 羊城晚报记者 沈钊
译 | 赵凡