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Guangzhou Subway: A new stage for young people "selling" themselves
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谢小婉 发表时间:2024-07-13 22:23

In June, the topic"Guangzhou Subway's Embrace of Personal Ads." trended online. Personal messages for job hunting, matchmaking, and birthday wishes have appeared on Guangzhou's subway advertising screens, standing out amid the usual commercial advertisements.

On April 13th, a lightbox ad at the B1 entrance of Zhujiang New Town Station caught the attention of many people. With a headline reading "Job hunting and love seeking are both tough gigs," which was none other than Xiang Yaohan's personal resume. It seems Xiang might be a pioneer in leveraging the subway's advertising space for self-promotion.

Since January 2024, Guangzhou's subway system has opened its doors to individual advertisers. According to a WeChat mini-program developed by Guangzhou Metro Media and Guangzhou Metro Resources Operation and Development Co., it now offers both electronic screens and lightboxes as platforms for personal expression. Upon learning about this innovative service, the 27-year-old Xiang seized the opportunity to make a splash with his resume.

The day his advertisement went live, Xiang couldn't resist the urge to witness it firsthand at Zhujiang New Town Station. "The ad was in a great spot, right after I exited the turnstile my heart raced, and my breath hitched. It was a bit awkward, but I soon got over it," he shared.

Xiang observed curious onlookers pausing to read and even photograph his resume. His WeChat account was flooded with friend requests, tallying over 400 new connections, including representatives from more than 50 enterprises—some of which he had previously applied to without a response. This brave move of showcasing his resume in a bustling subway hub has indeed paid off in unexpected ways.

Besides resumes, Guangzhou Subway's personal ad service supports a variety of content, including birthday blessings, festive celebrations, family interactions, pet showcases, and celebrity fan messages, all subject to national advertising regulations and the subway authority's stringent review processes. Xiang's subway resume ad has not only gained popularity but has also piqued public interest in this novel advertising avenue.

On June 10th, 31-year-old Li Linyu surprised her husband with a birthday blessing ad at Yantang Station. She "tricked" him into the station only to reveal a heartwarming message: "Darling, happy birthday. Through all the rivers and mountains, I'll be with you." Recounting the moment, Li said, "He was thrilled but instinctively wanted to run away, and I couldn't help but laugh."

For Li, this public display of affection wasn't just about the surprise; it was about embracing life's fleeting moments with open arms. "We live but a brief moment on this earth, and it's a beautiful thing to express ourselves and our feelings openly."

During the "May Day" holiday, another eye-catching ad at Zhujiang New Town Station titled "Post-2000s Looking for a Soulmate" grabbed attention, complete with a handsome photo of Li Jiayu and personal details like zodiac sign, hobbies, skills, and MBTI personality type.

Following the ad's publication, Li Jiayu was inundated with two to three hundred friend requests. Among these new connections were individuals who resonated with the image he had envisioned for his "soulmate," and others who became friends, maintaining contact even after the ad's run ended. For Li Jiayu, whether he finds his "soulmate" has become less important after the ad's removal.

As more personal ads—ranging from humorous to heartwarming—pop up on Guangzhou's subway lightboxes, they're not just ads; they're stories. They reflect Guangzhou's embrace of individuality and diversity, and its down-to-earth charm, contributing to its unique "relaxed vibe".

Source :Yangcheng Evening News













文 | 羊城晚报记者 谢小婉
图 | 受访者提供
译 | 史洋溢