Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | O Salão Cultural e a Atividade de Passeio de Caridade Júnior do Carnaval de Caridade Internacional de Cantão e Sri Lanka, organizado conjuntamente pela Fundação Guangzhou para o Intercâmbio e Cooperação Internacional e pelo Consulado Geral do Sri Lanka em #Guangzhou, realizou-se no Parque do Rio das Pérolas, em Guangzhou, a 6 de julho. Cerca de 120 estudantes chineses e estrangeiros, adolescentes, empresários, cidadãos e amigos partilharam a experiência humanística especial da #China e do Sri Lanka.
Durante o evento, Usangi Maldeniya, Ranjan Rajapakasha e Sandamali Galwaduge, os estudantes internacionais do Sri Lanka, apresentaram ao público a língua, a etnia, os trajes, os festivais culturais e a comida especial do Sri Lanka, com o tema da interpretação da cultura especial do #Ceilão. Também convidaram os convidados a irem ao Sri Lanka para conhecerem os costumes únicos do Ceilão e partilharem a rica e colorida cultura chinesa com o povo do Sri Lanka. #SplendidLingnan
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The Cultural Salon and Junior Charity Ride Activity of Canton & Sri Lanka International Charity Carnival, jointly organized by the Guangzhou Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation and the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in #Guangzhou, was held in Guangzhou's Pearl River Park on July 6. About 120 Chinese and foreign students, teenagers, entrepreneurs, citizens, and friends shared the special humanistic experience of #China and Sri Lanka.
During the event, Usangi Maldeniya, Ranjan Rajapakasha, and Sandamali Galwaduge, the international students from Sri Lanka, introduced Sri Lankan #language, ethnicity, costumes, cultural festivals, and special food to the audience with the theme of interpreting the special culture of #Ceylon. They also invited the guests to go to Sri Lanka to experience the unique customs of Ceylon and share the rich and colorful #Chinese culture with the Sri Lankan people. #SplendidLingnan
在当天的活动中,斯里兰卡在穗留学生Usangi Maldeniya、Ranjan Rajapakasha和Sandamali Galwaduge以“从纱丽到咖喱——锡兰特色文化解读”为主题,生动地向现场观众介绍了斯里兰卡的语言、民族、服饰、文化节日以及特色食品。他们还热情邀请与会嘉宾前往斯里兰卡亲身体验锡兰独特的风土人情,并与斯里兰卡人民分享丰富多彩的中华文化。