云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Santai Biotech: Moving from Kansai to Tokyo for 'openness' and "information"
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:孙绮曼、孙晶、严锦程 发表时间:2024-06-18 08:53


When you walk into a convenience store in Japan, you'll notice that the prominent shelves often display a variety of "functional foods." These products range from those that boost alertness to those that supplement vitamins or enhance immunity, each boasting   numerous benefits and impressive sales figures.


The widespread presence of these products, as well as industry data, highlight the significant development of functional foods in Japan. This growth is driven by national initiatives to promote functional foods and is closely linked to Japan's increasingly   aging population.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Guan Shengnan recognized this business opportunity. The sudden passing of a family member due to illness solidified her resolve to enter this field. In 2019, she founded Santai Biotech Co., Ltd. ("Santai    Biotech") in the Kansai region of Japan. Later, she relocated the company to Tokyo, attracted by the Tokyo Bay Area's more inclusive business environment and faster access to information.


"We conduct research in northeastern China, source materials from Russia, produce in Japan, and sell globally," Guan Shengnan, the president of Santai Biotech, told reporters from the Yangcheng Evening News.

Navigating Japan's information flow through Tokyo Bay

三十多年前,日本在世界上最先造出“功能食品(Functional Food)”的概念,此后在法规、标准的引领下,许多大企业投身创新,屡推新品,日本在功能食品领域也走出了一条分级管理、企业担责、自由竞争的独特路径,行业发展欣欣向荣。

Over thirty years ago, Japan pioneered the concept of "Functional Food" globally. Guided by regulations and standards, many large companies have embraced innovation, frequently launching new products. Japan has developed a unique approach in the   functional food sector characterized by tiered management, corporate responsibility, and free competition, leading to a thriving industry.


In 2015, facing the increasing burden of an aging population, Japan's Consumer Affairs Agency introduced the world's first "Food with Function Claims (FFC)" system, further unleashing corporate innovation and market vitality.


"The trend of low birth rates and an aging population in Japan was becoming more severe, and I believed the functional food market had great potential. With increasing health concerns, particularly about lung health, we decided to start a health food   company to help people stay as healthy as possible," said Guan Shengnan. She viewed this sector in Japan as a blue ocean, and in2018, they began preparations and started sourcing materials for product development.


Initially, they were based in the Kansai region of Japan, where starting out was quite challenging.


"There is a significant information gap in the health industry. Even when I spent a lot on information costs, I couldn't always get what I needed, which put us in a passive position," Guan Shengnan explained. Later, through an introduction from   another company partner, she met the management of a well-known company in Tokyo. She was deeply attracted by Tokyo's openness and inclusiveness, leading to the decision to relocate the company to Tokyo.


Guan Shengnan mentioned that Tokyo offers a highly advantageous business environment where companies in the same industry support each other by sharing the latest information.


Public data shows that cities like New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, San Francisco, and Singapore consistently rank at the top for the best business environments globally. These cities attract the world's best companies and talents, boasting various    advantages like commercial vitality, innovation potential, resident happiness, and administrative governance.

Rapid start with government funding support


In Japan, several national policy adjustments have gradually clarified functional food standards, contributing to the positive development trajectory of the industry.


Furthermore, support for functional food has given Santai Biotech the opportunity to get started.


"The first funding we received in Japan was an industrial project support grant from the Japanese government," Randall, the marketing director of Santai Biotech, told the reporter. In the early stages of their startup, they obtained several   million RMB in project support funding, which allowed the project to operate.


According to Randall, the company's main products are healthy functional foods developed around taxifolin, with the primary raw material sourced from Siberian larch. For their manufacturing needs, they partnered with a factory in Gifu   Prefecture, Japan, which also produces products For renowned companies like Meiji.


"I think we are an example of international collaboration. Neighboring countries provide their advantageous resources to cooperate in product development. Within Japan, Tokyo offers intellectual and informational support, while other cities in the Tokyo    Bay Area handle manufacturing and production. This cycle is beneficial, healthy, and effective," Randall said.


According to Euromonitor's data, Japan's functional food revenue exceeded 19 billion dollars in 2020. Guan Shengnan revealed that their products are sold on platforms like Rakuten, with a repurchase rate approaching 100%.

文 | 羊城晚报特派东京记者 孙绮曼 孙晶
图 | 羊城晚报特派东京记者 严锦程