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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Guangzhou 'post-90s' couple develops low-cost 3D printing technology
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭洁文、姜雪媛 发表时间:2024-06-16 23:59

In the studio of Liu Shuai and Su Yuhong, a variety of figurines adorn the display stands. These figurines showcase diverse poses: some are seated cross-legged with hands clasped, some cradle kittens, and others are dressed in traditional Chinese attire waving to fans.


Unlike the factory-produced figurines from popular ACGN works, the figurines in Liu Shuai's studio are created using 3D printing from real-life models. Consumers stand in a camera matrix inside the studio, where 90 high-speed cameras capture images from 360 degrees. The images are then processed by a computer to create a 3D model, which is finally printed by a 3D printer.

The technology to produce these real-life figurines has existed for some time, but high costs have made it inaccessible to the general public. Liu Shuai and Su Yuhong have developed more cost-effective 3D data collection equipment, reducing the base price of a real-life figurine to 200 yuan. Liu mentioned that as technology advances, the price of these figurines could drop even further.


"This is a new way of commemoration," Liu explained to reporters. "We want to make this kind of keepsake something that everyone can easily afford."

Before entering the real-life figurine industry, Liu was a software engineer. At the beginning of 2022, he and his wife Su Yuhong were introduced to the technology of 3D printed figurines. Seeing a business opportunity, they decided to invest in the development and production of the necessary equipment. "Photos can capture beautiful moments, but they are ultimately 2D. 3D printing technology can provide a three-dimensional memory, making that moment of you, or your friends and family, come to life," Su stated.

In the 3D printing studio, Liu demonstrated to reporters how real-life figurines are "printed." He gently lifted the black light-shielding cover of the 3D printer, releasing a waft of resin odor - the "ink" used in 3D printing. Beneath the cover, over twenty half-formed figurines lay on the print bed. The machine moved back and forth above them, spraying layers of resin only 0.02 millimeters thick and adding color to the edges. After eight hours, with thousands of layers of resin stacked, the figurines began to take shape. The final steps of washing, sandblasting, glazing, and curing completed the creation of a real-life figurine.


Liu hopes to further reduce the consumer threshold for 3D-printed figurines in the future. His studio plans to launch a new 3D data collection device this year, which will only capture facial data and pair it with a cartoon body. The production cost for this will be less than 50 yuan.

"Currently, the cheapest real-life figurine is priced at 199 yuan, but the typical price is over 399 yuan. While this price isn't high for a keepsake with special significance, it's still quite steep for an ordinary consumer product. We aim to continue lowering the cost of 3D figurines, allowing more people to experience this new form of personalized consumption," Liu stated.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News










文|记者 谭洁文
图|记者 姜雪媛