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​Would you consider placing tailored ads in Guangzhou metro stations?
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-06-16 23:59

Recently, a variety of personalized advertisements, from birthday wishes and dating profiles to resumes, have been popping up on electronic screens called lightboxes in metro stations in Guangzhou. Netizens jokingly call it a "giant entertainment platform." This trend has quickly become a hot topic on social media.


According to staff with Guangzhou Metro Media Co., Ltd., the main types of personal advertisements currently include birthday wishes, weddings, personal showcases, family activities, social events, pet promotions, and celebrity fan support, and the lightboxes have been dubbed by netizens as the "Screen for Extroverts."

Ms. Jiang recently shared on social media the birthday advertisement a friend placed for her in the metro stations. She described how the birthday message, reading "I am the happiest girl in the world!", appeared every minute on the metro’s circular screens.


Similarly, Ms. Wu surprised her husband with a birthday advertisement in the metro.

On June 8th, Ms. Wu told reporters that she had been searching for a unique way to celebrate her husband's birthday two months in advance. By chance, she discovered that birthday advertisements could be placed in the Guangzhou metro stations and chose to surprise her husband in this way.

In late April, she selected the Tianhe Park station near her home to display her birthday wishes, at a cost of 666 yuan for a five-day display on one lightbox.


During the display period, Ms. Wu took her son and husband to the metro station to see the surprise. "My husband was very surprised and delighted, though a bit shy about standing in front of the advertisement for too long, feeling awkward if passersby paid too much attention to it, but he was very happy," she said.

In addition to birthday advertisements, some netizens have used the metro to seek a job. One individual mentioned spending 1,000 yuan to place his resume at the B1 exit of Zhujiang New Town station for five days. Within two days, his WeChat was flooded with new contacts.

This innovative approach by the Guangzhou metro showcases the city managers' wisdom and boldness. Their willingness to try new methods and push for innovation offers a model for other cities in effectively utilizing public spaces, promoting culture, and increasing citizen engagement. This spirit of innovation and bold experimentation is crucial for urban development and social progress.

The success of the "Screen for Extroverts" advertisements highlights that urban development is not just about constructing high-rises but also about blending culture and emotion. It shows that everyone can be a protagonist in the city's story, with each moment worth recording and sharing. These advertisements, closely tied to people's lives, give new functions and meanings to public spaces and reflect Guangzhou's cultural diversity and inclusiveness. They not only serve as a unique emblem for Guangzhou but also symbolize the city's innovative spirit, encouraging city managers and residents to explore more possibilities for urban development.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News












话题主持丨记者 梁泽铭