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​Foreign tourists in China: viral videos captivate international audiences
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-06-14 23:47

"Seeing it with my own eyes is the only way to truly understand China." In recent years, an increasing number of foreigners have been drawn to China, whether for travel or to live, becoming enthusiastic ambassadors sharing China's story with the world. They post numerous videos about their travels and daily life, which often become viral hits on international platforms. Comments on these videos are filled with expressions like "I haven't imagined this" and "Now Im a fan."


What captivates foreigners in these videos about the real China?

Recently, Chris and four family members visited Guangzhou. They got lost in the early morning hours. They wandered the streets with their backpacks and suitcases, looking for their hotel. Chris was amazed by the safe and well-lit environment, exclaiming, "It's crazy! I feel like Im dreaming."

As he recorded their experience, he mentioned that he expected the streets to be deserted and possibly unsafe at that hour. Instead, he found the opposite–bright lights and a strong sense of security. To his surprise, when they seemed lost, a passerby offered to help them.

Chris's astonishment is evident in his use of the word "surprise."

Curiosity drives Chris and his family to explore China. They had some preconceived stereotypes based on Western media reports. However, upon arriving, they found that China was nothing like what they had imagined.

Why do these videos attract so many viewers?

"Foreigners are unaware of what life in China is like. Through these videos, they discover a modern lifestyle alongside traditional culture, which changes their initial impressions and arouses their curiosity," commented one netizen.

On TriFate Lifestyle, an American viewer noted that their previous perceptions of China were limited, largely due to the lack of information about China in their education. These videos opened up a new perspective for them.

"No matter what your opinions about China are, you should first see what the country is like and listen to what the Chinese people have to say." This is the message many foreigners who create videos about China want to convey to the world.

These viral videos on international social media serve as bridges, allowing foreigners to get a "close-up" look at China.

"China has never been our 'enemy'. Ignorance is," one foreign commenter remarked.

There are a thousand different views of China from a thousand different foreigners. While one person alone may not have much influence, ten, a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand people sharing their experiences can form a powerful stream that counters misinformation and reshapes China's global image, enhancing its international visibility and influence.

Each city in China has its unique story. These stories add depth and charm to the cities. "Instead of any preset narrative or content restrictions, we encourage foreigners to share what they see and what they feel. Only with inclusiveness and respect can they really feel China's openness and friendliness," said Xu Penghuai, head of Wenzhou's Maritime Silk Road International Communication Hub.

And this is the most captivating part of China.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News




最近,克里斯带着一家5口来到广州旅游,却在凌晨迷了路。他们背着包,拉着行李箱,在空旷的街道上寻找酒店。面对晚上良好的治安环境,克里斯不禁发出感叹:“It's crazy!我都怀疑自己是不是在做梦。”






在TriFate Lifestyle上,一名美国网友看了老外拍的中国视频后评价说,过去他们对中国的看法很局限,因为在学校很少有机会接触到关于中国的知识,这些视频打开了他们新的视角。







来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派综合潮新闻
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