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17-year-old vocational school student ranks 12th in global math competition
来源:都市快报 发表时间:2024-06-16 00:15

Recently, the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition announced its list of finalists, featuring 801 top math talent from around the world. Among them, Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old vocational school student majoring in fashion design, stands out in the 12th place. Scoring an impressive 93 points, Jiang outperformed numerous competitors from prestigious institutions like Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Cambridge. She is also the only female in the top 30.

Jiang Ping is a student at Lianshui Secondary Vocational School in Jiangsu Province. In a classroom filled with markers, fashion sketches, and sewing supplies, an English book called "Partial Differential Equations" reveals her unique passion. It is a classic advanced math text published by China's Higher Education Press in collaboration with the American Mathematical Society.

Jiang discovered her exceptional mathematical intuition in middle school. While her classmates struggled with homework, she found it too easy and preferred tackling more challenging problems. "I prefer advanced mathematics because it fuels my desire to explore," she said.

At the time, her parents and teachers advised against focusing too narrowly on math, reminding her that the college entrance exam covers multiple subjects. However, her extraordinary performance in her first math exam at vocational school caught the attention of her math teacher, Mr. Wang Runqiu.

Mr. Wang recommended advanced textbooks like Tongji University's "Advanced Mathematics" and Xie Huimin's "Mathematical Analysis". As Jiang delved into multivariable calculus and encountered difficulties, she turned to "Partial Differential Equations" by Lawrence C. Evans.

This journey has been a solitary struggle. Jiang admits that advanced math was challenging at first. For instance, when facing graphing problems, she would try drawing them out on paper and solving them from different angles. When stumped by combinatorial problems, she sought help from Mr. Wang.

Using a translation app and a bilingual dictionary, she has self-studied about one-third of the material, reaching the level of a third- or fourth-year undergraduate student in math major.

When the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition opened for registration this year, Wang encouraged Jiang to participate, noting that the competition had no barriers to entry—anyone from couriers to food delivery workers could join.

Initially lacking confidence, Jiang reviewed last year's test and then decided to have a try.

The competition lasted two full days, during which Jiang spent nearly all her time solving the problems, pausing only to eat and sleep. "I probably didn't solve that geometry problem because it was too complex to visualize and I couldn't find a good approach," she recalled.

When Mr. Wang handed Jiang the advanced math textbooks two years ago, he believed her talent and passion deserved a chance to shine. He also harbored a hope that mathematics might become a catalyst for change in Jiang’s life, potentially offering her unknown opportunities and future.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News






王老师向姜萍推荐了同济大学出版的《高等数学》和谢惠民的《数学分析》,在研究多元微积分的过程中,遇到困难的姜萍又继续研究起了Lawrence C. Evans编写的《偏微分方程》。






