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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Experiencing Chinese traditional culture through the Dragon Boat Race
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李旭、陈一典 发表时间:2024-05-27 23:37

On May 25th, the Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, in collaboration with Doumen District, planned the "Love Zhuhai, Dragon Boat Festival" event. Twenty-eight entrepreneurs, foreign company executives, university professors, and others from nine countries including Denmark, Germany, France, India, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, and the United States were invited to visit Doumen District in Zhuhai. They witnessed dragon boat races, savored intangible cultural heritage cuisine, and participated in traditional Chinese cultural activities.

On the day of the event, the foreign guests first visited the Doumen Museum to explore the exhibition on Zhuhai dragon boat folk culture and arts. They learned about the history and current significance of dragon boat culture, experienced firsthand traditional Chinese dragon dance, and enjoyed various cultural and sports programs rich in profound intangible cultural heritage. Afterward, the foreign guests attended the Guangdong Dragon Boat Open and Doumen Dragon Boat Invitation Tournament, enjoying a thrilling traditional dragon boat race on the banks of the Huangyang River in Doumen District.

Jonathan James Corbett from the UK, a teacher at the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), said excitedly, "Everyone gathered together to cheer for the dragon boat team members, and everyone participated enthusiastically. Such water sports are not common in Britain." Jonathan James Corbett told reporters that he believed the dragon boat race was not just a competition but also an event that brought people together, and he was grateful for the opportunity to learn about Chinese traditional culture.

Since 1988, Zhuhai has witnessed a surge in dragon boat races. Over the past 30 years, the Doumen dragon boat race has been successfully held 15 times. In recent decades, Zhuhai dragon boat teams have also gone globally, achieving remarkable success on the international stage.

On the day of the event, foreign guests communicated with Zhao Zhiwen, the fourth-generation inheritor of the renowned Da Chikan fire-roasted barbecue ribs, and watched how to make this cuisine. It was explained that the Da Chikan fire-roasted barbecue ribs originated in the early years of the Republic of China (over 100 years ago) and have been passed down through four generations.

In the afternoon, the foreign guests visited the Impression Town of Xiazhou Village in Doumen, embarking on a unique rural journey. Xiazhou Village boasts a history of over 300 years and is rich in cultural heritage. From the wishing corridor, ancient tree rest area, creative courtyards, snack shops, and artisan stores, to the guesthouses, foreign guests eagerly snapped photos. While enjoying the scenery, the specialty snacks dazzle foreign visitors. Doumen mugwort cakes, handmade fried rice cakes, turnip cakes, taro cakes, sticky rice in lotus leaf, Doumen-style barbecued pork, Doumen sea bass, beef offal, Hakka Chaguo (steamed bun), and other delicacies brought delightful surprises to foreign guests.

Jacob Vinita Caroline, an associate professor of the Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai from India, informed reporters that the rural areas of Zhuhai offer a truly eye-opening experience. Not only are the landscapes beautiful, but the quality of life for the villagers is also excellent, with a pervasive sense of peace and abundance evident in every aspect of their lives.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News




来自英国的北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院教师Jonathan James Corbett激动地说:“所有人齐聚现场,为了龙舟队员们呐喊欢呼、加油鼓劲,每个人都参与到其中,这样的水上运动在英国是不常见的。”Jonathan James Corbett告诉记者,他认为龙舟赛不仅仅是一场赛事,更是一场凝聚人心的盛宴,也很感谢有这样的一个机会去了解中国传统文化。




来自印度的北京理工大学珠海学院副教授Jacob Vinita Caroline告诉记者,珠海的乡村让人大开眼界。这里不但风景美,而且村民生活好,处处都透露着祥和丰足的气息。

文、图|李旭 陈一典 杨雪薇