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Foreign capital flows back into Chinese assets
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:詹淑真 发表时间:2024-04-13 00:17

Global funds are showing clear signs of flowing back into China. Recently, reports from multiple foreign institutions such as Morgan Stanley indicate a trend of global funds returning to the Chinese stock market. Data from HSBC Holdings also reveals that over 90% of emerging market funds have started to increase their holdings in the Chinese stock market. Additionally, smart money, northbound capital, is also showing a similar trend. Data shows that in the first quarter of this year, northbound capital has accumulated a net inflow of 68.223 billion yuan, far surpassing last year's net inflow of 43.7 billion yuan into A-shares.

Analysts believe that behind this trend is China's continuous implementation of policies and measures to stabilize foreign investment. As the Chinese economy continues to signal recovery,itfurtherbooststhe confidence of international investors, leading to a sustained increase in foreign investment in China.

Recently, Ray Dalio, the founder of the world's largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, stated on social media, "The key question isn’t whether or not I should invest in China so much as how much I should invest." Dalio believes that some of the current issues and risks facing China are manageable, and the policy direction is correct. Concerns in the market about investing in China's risks pale in comparison to the reasons for investing in China.

In fact, several foreign institutions have mentioned that global funds are showing signs of returning to the Chinese stock market. A report released recently by Morgan Stanley indicates that global funds are returning to the Chinese stock market. Morgan Stanley's analysis suggests that as bearish sentiment towards the Chinese market among some funds eases, the actions of global long-term investors withdrawing from the Chinese stock market (A-shares and Hong Kong stocks) have paused. These shifts may indicate that the Chinese market will regain the share it previously lost in the global investment portfolios of major asset management institutions.

Why the capital inflow? Analysts believe that A-shares are currently undervalued, and their investment value is further highlighted. Moreover, the more significant reason for the capital inflow lies in China's continuous implementation of policies and measures to stimulate the economy, as well as the ongoing signs of economic recovery, which further boost the confidence of international investors.

Among the major stock markets globally, the Chinese market is also one of the most attractive in terms of valuation. Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) believes that A-shares, which are undervalued and have large market capitalization and ample liquidity, are instead one of the important markets for international investors to diversify risks. S&P Global data shows that China's Caixin General Service PMI continued to expand for 14 consecutive months in February 2024, indicating positive signals in the Chinese economy.

In 2024, Chinaranksthird globally in foreign investment confidence, only after the United States and Canada. This conclusion is drawn from the 2024 Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index (FDICI) report recently released by Kearney, a consulting firm. This index is calculated annually and tracks the investment intentions of global corporate executives in different markets over three years.

He Xiaoqing, President of Kearney Greater China, pointed out that in recent years, the Chinese government has consistently conveyed a positive policy orientation to strengthen openness to the outside world. For example, opening up foreign investment in the banking industry, fully lifting restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, easing access to the telecommunications, medical and other service industries markets, as well as a series of measures such as expanding visa-free access to China for six European countries last year, have continuously boosted investor confidence.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News




近日,全球最大对冲基金桥水基金创始人瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio)在社交媒体上发文称,当前的关键问题不是是否应该在中国投资,而是应该投资多少。达利欧表示,中国当前面临的一些问题和风险是可控的,政策方向是正确的。市场上关于在中国投资有风险的担忧,都比不上投资中国的理由。




2024年,中国外商投资信心排名全球第三,仅次于美国、加拿大。咨询公司科尔尼(Kearney)近日发布的2024年外商直接投资信心指数 (FDICI)报告得出上述结论。该指数一年统计一次,追踪全球企业高管在三年内对于不同市场的投资意向。


文|记者 詹淑真
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