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'Kung Fu Panda 4' losing steam, but 'panda culture' enters new phase
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李丽 发表时间:2024-04-01 22:53

As of 4:00 p.m. on March 31st, "Kung Fu Panda 4" has garnered box office earnings of 242 million yuan in the Chinese mainland. According to Maoyan Professional Edition, the film's projected total box office is 341 million yuan. Compared to the staggering 1 billion yuan box office of "Kung Fu Panda 3", this is a considerable decrease. Has the once popular "Kung Fu Panda" IP lost its charm? The answer isn't so simple.

'Panda culture' continues to thrive

The declining influence of the "Kung Fu Panda" series does not signify waning popularity for pandas. On the contrary, an unstoppable phenomenon of "panda culture" is gaining momentum domestically and internationally.

As one of the oldest mammals on Earth, pandas have witnessed the long history of Chinese civilization. In 1957, China gifted pandas Ping Ping and Qi Qi to the Soviet Union as national treasures, marking the beginning of their role as ambassadors of friendship. In 1972, after Richard Nixon's visit to China, pandasLing Lingand Hsing Hsing flew on a special plane to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., leading that year to be dubbed the "Year of the Panda" by the American people.

For decades, pandas have carried the friendship of the Chinese people to countries around the world, becoming informal "ambassadors" of China to the world. Today, pandas are beloved by young people both in China and abroad. For example, the panda nicknamed "Hua Hua" is adored for her round body and gentle personality, making her the "top female star" in the panda world. Japanese television once sent a crew to Chengdu solely to capture Hua Hua's daily life up close.

In March, 2024, at the invitation of the China Education International Exchange Association, a delegation of American high school students from Washington State visited Beijing, Hubei Province, and Guangdong Province in China. These American high school students, visiting China for the first time, carried panda-themed backpacks everywhere they went. It is reported that these backpacks were among the gifts given by the Chinese side. The American students and their "panda" companions have thus become a sight to behold at the Great Wall.

Diverse creations inspired bypandas

Today, artistic creations centered around pandas are flourishing. In Sichuan, the hometown of pandas, activities such as panda-themed painting, calligraphy, photography, and sculpture are regularly held.

Pandas are also taking center stage. For example, the first Chinese resident musical "Pandas" tells a story about love, growth, and harmonious coexistence through the stories of five brave pandas.

In the film and television industry, as Hollywood's "Kung Fu Panda" series saw its ratings drop from 8.2 for the first installment to 6.6 for the fourth,more and more audiences are demanding for Chinese-made panda-themed films and television shows.

With the rise of Chinese animation in recent years, this day may not be far off. Works such as "Nezha" and "Monkey King: Hero is Back" are based on Chinese culture and the industry is growing rapidly. Creating a Chinese-made panda film is not about "picking up the baton" from "Kung Fu Panda," but rather about a fresh start for a new era.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News





作为地球上最古老的哺乳动物之一,熊猫见证了中华文明漫长的发展史。1957年,中国将“平平”和“碛碛”作为国礼送给苏联,熊猫也从此开启了其作为友谊使者的“出海”之旅。1972年,尼克松访华之后,熊猫 “玲玲”和“兴兴”乘专机来到华盛顿国家动物园,这一年因此被美国人民称为“大熊猫年”。








文丨记者 李丽