Arte e Cultura | No dia 15 de janeiro, realizou-se no Mall of The World um evento de celebração do Festival da primavera sob o tema "moda em Guangzhou", no qual os herdeiros do património cultural imaterial Chaoyang Yingge Dance foram convidados a atuar. As suas actuações demonstraram a simplicidade, a robustez, a robustez e a força da cultura Chaoshan. Bandeiras esvoaçantes contra o vento, vários movimentos com bastões de dança e batidas emocionantes atraíram os transeuntes. O carisma da cultura tradicional da Yingge Dance iluminou as modernas e movimentadas ruas de Guangzhou! #artandculture
Art and Culture | On January 15th, an event celebrating Spring Festival under the theme of "fashion in Guangzhou" was held on Mall of The World, in which inheritors of the intangible cultural heritage Chaoyang Yingge Dance were invited to perform. Their performances demonstrated the plainness, sturdiness, robustness, and strength of Chaoshan culture. Flying flags against the wind, various moves employing dance batons, and exciting beats attracted passersby. The charisma of traditional culture in Yingge Dance lit up the modern and busy streets in Guangzhou! #artandculture
文、图、视频|羊城晚报全媒体记者 符畅 实习生 成卓灿