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​First appearance of Chinese Serow in Guangdong's Phoenix Mountain Conservation Area
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王彤 发表时间:2024-01-07 09:21

In a recent discovery, staff at the provincial-level nature reserve, Phoenix Mountain, in Chao'an, Guangdong, were thrilled to find precious footage of a mother and child Chinese Serows captured by field infrared cameras. According to the Forestry Bureau of Guangdong, this marks the first documented activity of Chinese Serow in the Phoenix Mountain Conservation Area.

Chinese Serow, also known as the "Four Unlikes," are a level 2 nationally protected species and primarily inhabit mixed needle-broadleaf forests, coniferous forests, or rocky shrub forests at elevations between 1000 to 4400 meters. They are known for their agile movements and tend to live alone or in small groups, often navigating cliff edges and rarely visited areas for foraging.

Researchers at the conservation area expressed that they retrieved data from 40 infrared cameras, with two of them capturing multiple instances of Chinese Serow activity. One video clip reveals a mother serow leisurely strolling through the forest with her adorable offspring closely following - a heartwarming sight.

"Chinese Serows have a strong sense of territory and usually prefer solitary activities. Apart from the mating season, males tend to live alone, while females cohabitate with their offspring," explained Hu Huijian, a researcher at the Guangdong Academy of Sciences. The recorded young Chinese Serow appears to be small in size, indicating it is likely still in the lactation period. Chinese Serow offspring typically leave home 1-2 years after birth, during which they learn various survival skills from their mothers.

To enhance the monitoring of dynamic information related to wildlife conservation, the Phoenix Mountain Conservation Area has deployed 50 infrared cameras across the entire region, establishing a preliminary grid monitoring system. In recent years, the conservation area has observed the dynamic presence of ten nationally protected wildlife species, including Chinese pangolins, Chinese Serows, and leopard cats.

In recent years, Chaozhou has intensified efforts to protect biodiversity, establishing the province's first biodiversity conservation research center. The city has also explored local legislation for biodiversity protection, formed the Chaozhou Natural Protected Area Management Center, and consistently excelled in the protection and restoration of wildlife habitats, along with increased efforts in biodiversity protection advocacy.

A survey indicates that Chaozhou currently boasts 313 terrestrial wild animal species and 2093 terrestrial wild plant species, including nationally protected wildlife such as Chinese Pangolins, Chinese Egrets, and Saunder's Gulls, as well as regionally rare and unique species like Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News









文|新快报记者 王彤 通讯员 林荫