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"Robots+" emerges as an accelerator for 'intelligent manufacturing'
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:许张超、黄婷、王丹阳 发表时间:2024-01-05 23:01

Recently, Shenzhen UBTECH Robotics has landed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, marking the birth of the first listed company in the field of humanoid robots. Attention has been attracted to the robotics industry once again. As a major manufacturing province, Guangdong has taken the lead in the layout of the robotics industry. It not only produces well-known domestic and foreign companies such as KUKA, Han's Laser, and Mino, but also cultivates a group of local "rising stars". Intelligent transportation robots, welding robots, and other industrial robots. All these have further promoted the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong and even the whole country with their capabilities.

In Guangdong, these industrial all-round robots have accelerated smart manufacturing. A batch of automatic factories have become world-renowned. The World Economic Forum recently announced the latest batch of "lighthouse factories", with 11 out of the 21 newly added factories coming from China. Guangzhou-based GAC Aion has been awarded the world's first lighthouse factory for new energy vehicles.

Today, Guangdong-made industrial robots are rapidly taking shares of the market. One out of every three industrial robots in China are made in Guangdong. The robotic arms can assemble a car in just one minute, and robots can even produce other robots by themselves... In the front line of Guangdong's manufacturing industry, there are many busy industrial robots.

For Guangdong, a major manufacturing province, traditional fields such as automobile manufacturing and metal product processing used to be the main battlefield for industrial robots to demonstrate their skills. However, with the increasingly mature technology and processes of industrial robots, their application scenarios are rapidly expanding into areas such as furniture, household appliances, food, and beverages. Various intelligent robots are now moving from factories in Guangdong to broader overseas markets, appearing in construction sites, mines, workshops, and other places around the world.

The "robots+" has become an accelerator for intelligent manufacturing. So, how will Guangdong ignite its new engine? Ren Yutong, the executive president of the Guangdong Robotics Association, analyzed that the automotive industry will still be the main application for industrial robots in the future. There are broad prospects in the fields of electronic and electrical equipment, the 3C industry, equipment manufacturing, metal processing, plastic processing, food manufacturing, and the emerging new energy photovoltaic industry.

"The output of Guangdong's industrial robot market in 2022 has reached 165,700 sets, a year-on-year increase of 2.1%, accounting for almost one-third of the national output. The output has ranked first in the country for many years." Ren Yutong added that intelligent robots as one of the top ten strategic emerging industries in Guangdong Province, the government has continuously issued policy documents to guide the development of the province's industrial robot industry, and the Robotics Association is also constantly promoting the application of robots in different industries for enterprises.

"Guangdong enterprises located in the Pearl River Delta, the world's largest robot application market, need to innovate key core technology, seize the opportunities of R&D and new applications, and promote the deep integration of robots with a new generation of information technology and artificial intelligence," said Ren, who believes that enterprises also need to strengthen the research and development and manufacturing capabilities of key components, and actively expand overseas markets, and strengthen and international exchange and cooperation in talent introduction.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News






“机器人+”已然成为“智造”加速器,那么,广东又将如何点燃“智造”新引擎? 广东省机器人协会执行会长任玉桐分析称,汽车行业在未来仍然是工业机器人的主要应用场景,在电子电气设备、3C行业、器材制造、金属加工、塑料加工、食品制造以及当下新兴的新能源光伏产业等领域应用前景广阔。



文|记者 许张超 黄婷 王丹阳 实习生 张文懿