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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Guangdong meteorological experts assist Solomon Islands in weather observation
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:梁怿韬 发表时间:2024-01-05 23:01

On the evening of November 19th, 2023, the 17th Pacific Games opened at the National Stadium in Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands. Among the participating teams in this edition of the Games was a presence of the "Chinese Team" – a meteorological support service team dispatched by the China Meteorological Administration, working closely with the local authorities to provide weather-related support for the event, including the participation of meteorological experts from Guangdong. As the new year begins, the experts from the Guangdong Meteorological Bureau, who successfully completed their overseas mission, granted an interview to the media, reflecting on the experience of providing significant meteorological services abroad for the first time.

The Solomon Islands, located in the South Pacific, is an island country. Since 1963, the Pacific Games and its predecessors have been held alternately among various island nations in the Pacific. At the end of October 2023, the Solomon Islands approached the China Meteorological Administration with a request for meteorological support services. The China Meteorological Administration promptly organized an overseas support mission in response. Yang Guojie, the Chief Forecaster of the Guangdong Meteorological Service, thus formed a connection with the Solomon Islands and the Pacific Games. His main responsibilities included on-site support, assessing the forecast performance of numerical models, and coordinating the work before and after the event.

"Looking back now, I realize that many of the support products we brought played a crucial role in our overseas mission," said Yang Guojie. He explained that in early November 2023, experts from the China Meteorological Administration conducted on-site research in the Solomon Islands. From November 15th onwards, they officially entered a status for specialized support. During their collaborative work with the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service, Yang Guojie discovered that the meteorological development in the Solomon Islands remained at a relatively nascent stage. To quickly address this challenge, Yang Guojie, along with other Chinese experts and local meteorological professionals in the Solomon Islands, adopted primitive observation methods to obtain meteorological data. They climbed to the rooftop of the meteorological service building for manual observations at different times of the day. Additionally, they compared the manual observations with the forecast conclusions provided by the Chinese domestic support team, analyzed the characteristics and patterns of weather changes, evaluated the performance of model forecast products, and reduced forecast errors.

"On the day of the opening ceremony, we stood firm with our local counterparts from morning until 23:00. After the conclusion of the opening ceremony, during our exchange and discussions, our counterparts expressed surprise and gratitude for our dedicated and responsible attitude," said Yang Guojie.

In December 2023, when David Hiba Hiriasia, the Director of the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service, attended the launching ceremony of the GBA branch of the World Meteorological Center Beijing, where he expressed gratitude to the China Meteorological Administration, the Guangdong Meteorological Service, and all the Chinese experts. He also expressed his hope for continued cooperation, exchange, and collaboration between the two sides.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







文|梁怿韬 实习生 樊雨晴 通讯员 叶萌