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New holiday feel brought by Cantonese New Year's dish
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:许悦 发表时间:2024-01-04 22:43

During the past two months, the concept of "New Year’s dish" has become popular in the Double Festival catering market, and the "New Year's dish economy" originating from Guangdong has spread throughout the country.

On January 9th, 2024, the China New Year's Dish Culture (Nansha) Seminar will be held in Nansha, where representatives from the government, industry experts, and enterprises will gather to taste New Year's dishes and carry forward Chinese food culture, discussing how New Year's dish can play its role in the new year.

On October 27th last year, the first "New Year's Dish" Leading Enterprise Symposium was held in Guangzhou, attracting pre-cook-related enterprises from all over the country, and even there were German purchasers taking a flight overnight only for "New Year's Dish". What the New Year's dish economy brought is a thriving business opportunity and a vast market for pre-cooked New Year's Eve meals from the perspective of participants. Some have expressed that the ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone aims to become a sourcing center for raw materials for Chinese New Year's dish and a gateway for Chinese New Year's dish exports to ASEAN. It also strives to become a hub for the entire ASEAN New Year's dish industry chain.

In the next two months, the "New Year’s dish economy" will spread throughout the country. Not only that, the New Year's dish is accessible to a wider market at home and abroad, as well as online and offline markets. In one of the "first New Year's dish Group in New Zealand", an invitation from a company to ship to New Zealand was immediately responded by various New Year's dish companies from different cuisines actively. In addition to production and sales coordination, they also interacted in the group to provide various suggestions and answers for products entering the target country.

As an outstanding representative of Cantonese New Year's dish, Poon Choi has recently started to be listed on various platforms. In the Chinese New Year's goods festival launched by the domestic community fresh food chain brand Guangzhou Money Aunt on January 1st, Poon Choi of various sizes and prices plays a central role.

The head of Guangzhou Money Aunt said that the memories of Spring Festival consumption in childhood were that parents took their children to the mall to buy new clothes, the crowd in the market purchasing New Year's goods, and the fridges filled with food before New Year's Eve... Now, the family economy has passed to the younger generation, who is now the organizer of the New Year ceremony. More and more young people are actively immersing themselves in New Year's ceremony. In terms of Spring Festival consumption, they are willing to seek the best choice, taking freshness, selection, and convenience into account. Therefore, Money Aunt weaved a web to collect ingredients from all over the country, and deliver fresh dishes to the reunion meals, making the New Year not only with a sense of reunion, but also with specialities from all over the country. People experience the joy of local specialty cuisine with their families while farmers also taste the harvest of a year of hard work.

How to make Poon Choi more festive? The head of product development at Guangdong Pinzhen Technology told reporters, "Adapting to the market need, we will make improvements based on Cantonese cuisine to develop flavors that are suitable for different regions. The selection and technique are also very particular. The Poon Choi is made from more than ten ingredients, without pigments and preservatives, and with thick soup made by boiling traditional ingredients. Each ingredient is carefully cooked and layered into a pot. We hope to connect to the sales network throughout the country with the help of Money Aunt to promote the traditional Cantonese New Year's dish with consumers nationwide."

 Source:Yangcheng Evening News









文|记者 许悦