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Maoming Dangzai Fish: a nationally renowned delicacy
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:詹翔闵 发表时间:2024-01-04 22:43

As the saying goes, "No feast is complete without fish." During the cold winter at the end of the year, fish is always an indispensable dish on the dining tables of family reunions. In Xinyi, Guangdong Province, Dangzai Fish tastes tougher, tender, and flavorful in winter. The various dishes made from Dangzai Fish are cherished flavors that overseas Chinese long for.

On January 3rd, in Zhongyan Village, Hongguan Town, villagers were busy in fishing. A joyous scene is thus created with fish leaping from the water to celebrate a bountiful harvest. It is reported that Dangzai Fish, feeding on mountain spring water and green grass, has tender and fresh flesh that is highly favored by diners from far and wide. With a relatively long growing period, sufficient nutrition, and no competition from other species, these fish can reach weights of four to five kilograms within two to three years, and even up to eight kilograms in longer periods of breeding. When placed in oxygenated water bags, Dangzai Fish can swim even further. They were sold at around 70 RMB per kilogram, a wallet-friendly price.

Dangzai Fish is a thousand-year-old local cultural symbol. According to historical materials, the people of Xingyi began raising Dangzai Fish between 860 and 874 AD. Folklore suggests that, at that time, villagers in the mountainous areas dug reservoirs (which were called "Dang" locally) in front and backyards for fire prevention. Later, they started raising grass carp in these reservoirs, from which the name "Dangzai Fish" emerged.

Xinyi is the only nationally designated eco-protection and construction demonstration region in western Guangdong. With its towering mountains, dense forests, and numerous streams flowing all year round, the villagers are used to diverting water from the streams into their reservoirs for raising the carp, feeding them with green plants such as grass, leatherleafs, and cassava leaves. Thanks to the unique flowing water and natural green feed, Dangzai Fish boasts tender flesh, high nutrition, and a unique taste different from other pond fishes.

In the Bozhong Village, Chashan Town, the family of He Qiyong has been raising Dangzai Fish for generations. In 2007, guided by relevant government departments, he expanded the scale of aquaculture. Since 2016, he has been engaging in breeding, purchasing, and sales all at the same time, supplying Dangzai Fish to restaurants in Maoming and the Pearl River Delta area, with an annual production, purchase, and sales volume of 30 to 40 tons. "Xinyi is home to numerous overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan compatriots. Xinyi people have a deep affection for their hometown, especially when it comes to their admiration for their hometown's distinctive cuisines. Dangzai Fish has a fresh and tender texture with appetizing and nourishing effects. Whenever Xinyi people encounter Dangzai Fish outside their hometown, they always feel the relief of their homesickness as their appetite increase," said He Qiyong.

In rural Xinyi, Dangzai Fish is usually cut into pieces and marinated with aged tangerine peel, soy sauce, ginger shreds, salt, and peanut oil for 20 minutes to absorb the flavors. After marinating, it is evenly stirred and put into a pot with mountain spring water, and slowly simmered over low heat until fully cooked. In restaurants, Dangzai Fish is prepared in three different styles: pan-fried, braised, and deep-fried. This allows for the creation of dozens of dishes, including fish slices, fish rolls, and fish with stuffed lotus roots.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News








文、图|羊城晚报记者 詹翔闵 通讯员 高干