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Video|Telling China's story to the world: 1st Image Possibilities Coproduction Plan premieres in Beijing
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王莉、黎杰文 发表时间:2023-12-17 22:37

On December 15th, the successful culmination and exhibition of the inaugural Image Possibilities Coproduction Plan took place in Beijing. The event focused on the theme of "Chinese Stories in the New Era" and aimed to select, guide, support, and encourage directors from China and abroad to create documentaries and short factual videos. The exhibition showcased key works selected from the first edition of the coproduction plan, with the creators present for post-screening discussions, sharing behind-the-scenes stories.

Initiated in August 2022, the first edition of the coproduction plan saw the selection of the best proposals, including 5 in the "Documentary", 10 in the "Short Video", 7 in the "Social Value", and 40 "Outstanding Proposals". Currently, the supported films have completed production and started airing both domestically and internationally since November of this year.

In a workshop held online on June 20th, ten seasoned domestic and international experts addressed practical issues facing current international communication efforts, and provided lectures to over ten thousand participants, sparking lively discussions in the global media.

One of the selected works in the best proposal in "Documentary", titled "Reborn Land", was a collaborative effort between director Yu Feng's Guangdong production team and an international production team. The film tells the profound story of how the chemical industry, represented by Chen Pu, has deeply influenced and changed the condition of Chinese land and the fate of farmers. Director Yu Feng remarked, "This story unfolds in Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong, which is not only one of the birthplaces of Lingnan agricultural civilization but also a demonstration county for green development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In terms of regional culture, 'Reborn Land' (《回到土地》) undoubtedly naturally possesses the characteristics of southern-style documentary."

Participating in the Sino-Foreign Collaborative Coproduction plan, Yu Feng expressed that the experience was enriching: "From topic selection and shooting to production, the entire storytelling process was quite different. We had to learn how to think from another perspective, consider the creation from the standpoint of foreign audiences, and seek common ground while respecting differences in communication with the foreign production team. This coproduction plan provided us, the creators, with an excellent platform for communication and collaboration, offering us an opportunity to tell China's story to the international audience."

Chen Shi, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and Director of China International Publishing Group (China Center for International Communication Development), stated, "The 62 documentary works selected in the first coproduction plan all focus on small perspectives and stories, presenting significant eras and themes. Videos are the records of civilization and memories of the times. Through the joint efforts of Chinese and foreign creators, the first coproduction plan has produced a batch of outstanding documentary works, providing the international community with more professional, diverse, and novel perspectives to understand China."

Source: Yangcheng Evening News









文、图、视频拍摄丨记者 王莉
视频剪辑丨记者 黎杰文