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Zhong Xiaolin: a national opera inheritor keeping traditional art alive
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:柳卓楠 发表时间:2023-12-15 23:51

In the eastern part of Lufeng City, Guangdong, there is a nondescript three-story building located in a small alley, with several prominent characters displayed on the upper floor, called "Lufeng Zhengzi Opera". Here is the Lufeng Zhengzi Opera Inheritance and Protection Center, which Zhong Xiaolin has been intimately familiar with for the past 15 years.

As a typical type of Southern Opera, Zhengzi Opera is a rare drama kind and one of the first batches of national intangible cultural heritages. It has a history of nearly 900 years. Zhong Xiaolin, born in 1994, joined the Zhengzi Opera Troup at the age of 14 and has now become a pillar. In May of 2023, Zhong Xiaolin was honored with the May 1 Labor Medal of Guangdong.

To her, Zhengzi Opera is the voice of her hometown that accompanied her since childhood, and it is also the cultural heritage she will love and pass on throughout her life.

Preserving rare Zhengzi Opera requires more young talents

"When portraying a character, every time I step on stage, there is always a different feeling, not just in terms of movements but also emotions," Zhong's eyes always sparkle when talking about Zhengzi Opera. "Zhengzi Opera has become integrated into my life. When we sit together offstage, we unconsciously talk about it. When people ask me about my occupation, I always proudly say, 'I am a Zhengzi Opera performer.'"

There are a few young people like Zhong Xiaolin who love Zhengzi Opera. Similar to many regional operas, Zhengzi Opera faces the challenge of inheritance. Zhong describes her Zhengzi Opera Troupe in Lufeng as the "No. 1 troupe" since it is currently the only professional troupe dedicated to this genre. The troupe currently has over 60 performers and used to perform over 200 shows annually before the pandemic.

How to ensure the continuous inheritance and rejuvenation of the ancient and valuable Zhengzi Opera? This is something Zhong Xiaolin has been contemplating. "As a young actor, my top agenda is to perform each play well. Every time I step onto the stage, I want the audience to feel the charm of the Zhengzi Opera. Secondly, I want to take Zhengzi Opera beyond Lufeng and let more people, especially young people, understand and appreciate it."

Zhong Xiaolin told reporters that the troupe has collaborated with several schools in Shanwei, including primary schools, middle schools, and vocational colleges, to regularly organize "Bringing Opera to Campus" activities, sowing the seeds of traditional opera in the hearts of young people.

Integrating the inheritance of Zhengzi Opera with rural revitalization

In recent years, Zhong has been exploring the integration of Zhengzi Opera with rural revitalization, aiming to enrich local culture and contribute to the rural revitalization process.

Not long ago, the experience of Lufeng Rural Cultural Market was promoted province-wide. In March 2023, the "Rural Cultural Market" was brought onto the stage. Zhong participated as a director and starred in a theatrical production of the Rural Cultural Market, representing Lufeng City in Guangdong's Championship of Rural Revitalization and helping Lufeng City secure first place in the province.

"Lufeng is an old revolutionary base with many inspiring stories and abundant cultural materials. We hope to use local opera art to tell these stories well, presenting them in a way that young people enjoy and further enriching people's spiritual lives. By doing so, we make Zhengzi Opera keep pace with the times step by step," Zhong Xiaolin said.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News














文|记者 柳卓楠