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ISIF concludes with the "Imperial Springs Statement" advocating multilateralism
来源:新快报 作者:黄闻禹、龚吉林 发表时间:2023-12-08 10:36

On December 5th, the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF) rounded off successfully in Guangzhou, where the "Imperial Springs Statement" was released. The statement points out that the ISIF explicitly proposes to "overcome fragmentation through exchanges, resolve antagonism through inclusiveness, and achieve a common future through cooperation". The international community should make joint efforts to address various global risks and challenges and jointly create a better future for the world.

At the closing ceremony, the Former President of Slovenia and President of World Leadership Alliance - Danilo Türk, expressed sincere gratitude to the organizers and hosts of the forum. He stated that since its establishment in 2014, the Imperial Springs International Forum has become an important platform for countries around the world to engage in in-depth dialogue and build universal consensus. During the forum, participants had rich and in-depth discussions, focusing on the multiple challenges and important issues that the world is facing, and shared their insightful views, contributing to governance wisdom. "I look forward to meeting everyone again at the ISIF next year and continue to work together to strengthen multilateralism and create a prosperous and stable world."

Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Former President of Latvia and Co-chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, said the days at the ISIF created many fond memories. She said that the current international community faces multiple challenges, and countries also have differences in understanding international rules. The theme of the forum, "multilateralism", is a very important issue. Participants in the forum adhered to a common idea: multilateralism is crucial to the interests and survival of mankind. It should not be a broad concept, but a principle that needs to be implemented. In the future, all countries should join hands to respect the differences of civilizations, reserve space for exchanges and dialogue, and actively carry out multilateral cooperation.

On behalf of the organizers of the forum, Chau Chak Wing, President of the Australia China Friendship and Exchange Association and Chair of the Asia-Pacific Region, World Leadership Alliance, expresses sincere gratitude to all participants for their hard work. He said that during the two and a half days of the forum, there were 10 events, including the opening ceremony, closing ceremony, six breakout sessions, and exchange meetings. The participants had in-depth, extensive, and comprehensive exchanges on the forum's theme and topics, putting forward many good suggestions and ideas, further consolidating consensus, deepening friendship, enhancing trust, promoting cooperation, and achieving positive results.

What is multilateralism? In short, it means that international affairs are handled through collective consultation. During the forum, discussions on how to practice multilateralism, create a new global governance framework, and promote the well-being of human civilization have become hot topics among the guests.

Stefan Löfven, Former Prime Minister of Sweden, believes that the current geopolitical situation is becoming increasingly tense, and the international community cannot sit by and do nothing. The global community must work together to solve international issues. He mentioned that the primary principle of practicing multilateralism is to put people first. "The reform and construction of the global governance system should be open and transparent, focusing on climate issues and environmental friendliness, and ultimately benefiting people around the world." Secondly, we need to build a strong multilateral cooperation system, with regional international organizations such as ASEAN, the European Union, and Latin America actively participating in the construction of the multilateral system.

Yi Xiaozhun, Former Deputy Director-General of the WTO and Former China's Ambassador to the WTO, pointed out that the current economic globalization has encountered difficulties, and the rules-based global economic and trade governance order is collapsing, posing a serious threat to multilateral trade rules. In his view, in the face of a global crisis, no country can deal with it alone, and countries should not fall into the trap of protectionism. They must comply with economic globalization and take the initiative to shoulder their due responsibilities. "China unswervingly adheres to multilateralism and is committed to reshaping the global economic and trade governance system of co-governance, sharing and mutual benefits by strengthening multilateral cooperation," Yi Xiaozhun added.

"Our world has changed from the two poles of the past to the multipoles, but the governance thinking of the two poles is still lingering." Csaba Korosi, President of the United Nations 77th General Assembly, believes that everyone must face the problem frankly, that is, the multi-polar global governance system has not really been established. How can we transform faster to keep up with the times and build a truly effective global governance system? Csaba Korosi believes that it is necessary to build a new pattern of global governance within the framework of multilateral cooperation.

He also mentioned that under the mechanism of the United Nations Charter, the international community has established universal rules and consensus. In response to various global crises, it is necessary to revitalize the platform and mechanism of the United Nations to enable it to play a better role. Similarly, Volkan Bozkir, President of the United Nations 75th General Assembly, stated that the United Nations is at the core of the multilateral mechanism and should play a more important role in practicing and upholding the multilateral mechanism.

Sean Cleary, Executive Vice-Chair of the Future World Foundation, believes that global governance aims to enhance the well-being of human civilization. How to build an effective global governance system? He believes that effective reforms are needed, and more inclusiveness, mutual trust and exchanges are needed. The "three major initiatives" of China's Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative have highly condensed the thinking of global governance and inspiration.


Chau Chak Wing, President of the Australia China Friendship and Exchange Association and Chair of the Asia-Pacific Region, World Leadership Alliance:

During the forum, the participants closely focused on the theme, expressed their opinions, spoke freely, actively contributed their views and wisdom, and spoke highly of a platform for cooperation and exchanges provided by the Imperial Springs International Forum. Everyone agrees that in order to meet global challenges, all countries in the world should promote the common values of all mankind, safeguard and practice the new concept of true multilateralism and cooperation and common development of mutual benefits, strengthen cooperation, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

The more complex the international situation is, the more we need to strengthen communication, think from each other's perspective, and promote cooperation. People-to-people exchanges are flexible and diverse, covering a wide range of areas, and are full of vitality and hope. Since the establishment of the ISIF, we have made many sincere and good friends, who are very wise, well-connected, and have a broad vision. I deeply feel that they have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of China and the world. We have always believed that confrontation brings no benefits, and cooperation and mutual benefits are the only choice.

Zlatko Lagumdzija, Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina Permanent Representative to the United Nations:

The Imperial Springs International Forum provides a platform for mutual learning and exchange, bringing together knowledgeable individuals from various sectors around the world. It encourages everyone to think and discuss global challenges, engage in more dialogues on key issues, and unite in embracing a common future through seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Borut Pahor, Former President of Slovenia:

The world is still not as peaceful as we imagine. To address global challenges, we need to be bold and wise enough to find ways to maintain global peace and stability. Thank you to Imperial Springs International Forum for providing us with a better opportunity for discussion and creating an atmosphere for reaching consensus on global governance.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of School of International Studies of Nanjing University:

Countries around the world should establish a common belief in solidarity and cooperation. The key is to listen to each other's opinions and ideas, learn from each other, and understand each other. This is also the concept advocated by the Imperial Springs International Forum.

“2023从都国际论坛”闭幕,《从都宣言》发布——以多边主义应对全球挑战 以合作共创美好未来

















文 | 记者 黄闻禹
图 | 记者 龚吉林
责编 |杨帆 王瑜瑛