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Yan Juntao: the measurer certifies the Guangzhou Marathon
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:苏荇 发表时间:2023-12-07 23:01

In the early hours of the morning, when the residents of Guangzhou were wandering in their dreams, Yan Juntao, an international B-level measurer from the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), appeared on the streets. With a bicycle, a Jones counter, a bottle of mineral water, and a reflective vest, he measured the length of the Guangzhou Marathon course repeatedly and carefully. By the time all the work was completed, the eastern sky had already turned pale. From 2015 to the present, this is already the third time that Yan Juntao has measured the course for the Guangzhou Marathon, as always, with professionalism and precision.

Different levels of events require different levels of measurers. For example, the IAAF's standard events are divided into ordinary, elite, gold-label, and platinum-label events. Platinum-label events, as well as top-level events such as the Olympic Games and World Championships, must be measured by A-level measurers. If a race track is measured by both an A-level measurer and a B-level measurer, the world record produced on it can be immediately recognized by the IAAF without review.

In recent years, the number of marathon events in China has surged, increasing from 22 in 2011 to 1,828 in 2019. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number declined and gradually recovered in 2023. As of the end of November, there have been a total of 576 races held nationwide, with 309 races certified by the IAAF (297 A-level races and 12 B-level races). The rapid growth of events has created a growing demand for measurers, but the reality is that the number of existing measurers in China is even rarer than giant pandas.

Yan Juntao revealed that an excellent surveyor should not only have good physical fitness, computational ability, and cycling skills, but also have very good English speaking, listening, reading, and writing competence in order to successfully complete tasks such as assessments, reports, and communication with officials.

Yan introduced that it takes about 10 days to measure a marathon course from the early preparation work to the final completion. Taking the Guangzhou Marathon as an example, after the organizing committee applied to the Chinese Athletics Association to host the race, they provided Yan with a rough route map of the course. "The committee will tell me the changes of route this year. I will first use online maps to view the course and make a rough measurement online to ensure that there is not too much error compared with the actual measurement. In addition, I also need to analyze the rationality of the course, including the road width, the number of turns, the location of the narrowest route, and the setting of functional points. Only after completing these tasks will I start the measurement."

In addition, measuring a marathon course requires both physical strength and experience. To measure a marathon course, a measurer needs to ride at least 50 kilometers. If there is a full marathon plus a half marathon like in the Guangzhou Marathon, the total distance to be ridden is over 70 kilometers. After the measurement, the measurer also needs to write an English report to describe each point, introduce the measurement process and draw diagrams. Finally, a report of over twenty pages will be submitted to the IAAF for review and evaluation. Upon approval, the IAAF issues a certified measurement certificate, and only then can the certification work for a course be completed.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News








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