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​Global media witness a progressing China at the World Media Summit in Guangzhou and Kunming
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮 发表时间:2023-12-07 23:01

From December 2nd to 8th, the 5th World Media Summit was held in Guangzhou and Kunming. Nearly 200 representatives from over 100 countries and regions, including media, think tanks, and international organizations, attended the summit. This is the first time that the summit has been held in Chinese cities other than Beijing since its establishment, which are Guangzhou and Kunming.

Why them?

Guangzhou, the southern gateway of China, is the only major port that has thrived for over 2000 years in the global maritime trade. As the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road over 1000 years ago, it is one of the central cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and also the capital city of Guangdong Province, the biggest provincial economy in China.

Kunming, located on the southwestern border of China, is connected to multiple countries through the mountains and rivers of Yunnan Province where it is located. Over 2,000 years ago, the "Ancient Tea Horse Road" in Yunnan shows the once prosperous Southern Silk Road through the faint imprints of horseshoes on the road.

What are the topics discussed at the summit?

From the topics set at the summit, the theme of this year's World Media Summit is "Boosting Global Confidence and Promoting Media Development". During the summit in Guangzhou, participants discussed common concerns such as human development and security, new technological opportunities and challenges, and media and markets in the new era. At Yunnan, the organizers welcomed media friends and guests from various countries to experience the "Yunnan lifestyle." Inside and outside the venue, Chinese stories of coexistence and protection between humans and nature are shared: the Asian elephants' migration and the ancient Pu'er tea forest of thousands of years in Jingmai Mountain joining the World Heritage List.

From the perspective of the summit's achievements, the organizers released the "Fifth World Media Summit Guangzhou Nansha Consensus" (hereinafter "Nansha Consensus"), and the "Kunming Initiative for the 5th World Media Summit" (hereinafter "Kunming Initiative").

From human development and security to ecological civilization and sustainable development, the "Nansha Consensus" and the "Kunming Initiative" are all calling for global media to enhance understanding, deepen friendship, build consensus, and promote global media cooperation in addressing challenges.

What do they see?

In Guangzhou, guests visited the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Guangzhou Foreign Language School (Nansha Campus) and the GAC Technology Museum to experience the vitality of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The "newness" and "heart" of a city leave a deep impression on the guests. In the sub-venue in Kunming, Yunnan, we saw Pu'er tea, a wall of flowers and cups of Yunnan Baoshan small grain coffee from the known reports, showing the charm of Kunming from another angle.

These are a microcosm of a progressing China. China has always been diverse and colorful. Ancient civilization, cutting-edge technology, bustling cities and tranquil rainforests coexist in China.

As mentioned in the "Nansha Consensus", the world is undergoing rapid changes and facing unprecedented challenges, with increasing uncertainties and unpredictable factors. The international community needs to strengthen unity and cooperation more than ever before. Global media should serve as a bridge for answering the questions of the world, the era, and history.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







从会场设置的议题来看,本次世界媒体峰会的主题是“提振全球信心 共促媒体发展”。在广州期间,与会嘉宾围绕人类发展与安全、新技术机遇与挑战、新时代媒体与市场等共同关心的议题深入探讨。在云南分会场,主办方欢迎远道而来的各国媒体朋友和嘉宾走进“有一种叫云南的生活”,在会场内外,讲述亚洲象北上南归、延续千年的普洱景迈山古茶林申遗成功,人与自然相生相伴、保护与馈赠的中国故事。







文 | 记者 谭铮
译 | 白心怡
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 周勇

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