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Guangdong doctor treats over 5,000 patients in Dominica in three years
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:崔文灿、秦小杰 发表时间:2023-10-22 23:38

Dominica, a Caribbean island nation, has widespread familiarity with Dr. Wu Dexi, a renowned Chinese physician from Guangdong, as nearly half of the residents know him.

The year 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of China's medical aid missions. On the evening of October 20th, CCTV aired a program honoring the representatives of Chinese medical aid teams, who are regarded as "role models of the time". Eight doctors from various regions of China took the stage to share their stories of providing medical aid abroad. Among them, Dr. Wu Dexi, a cardiovascular specialist from the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, represented Guangdong as the only representative doctor from the post-80s generation. He shared his remarkable story of traveling to a distant land to save lives.

In June 2019, Dr. Wu Dexi joined the second batch of the Guangdong medical aid team to Dominica, serving as a cardiovascular doctor at the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital.

Three years later, Dr. Wu Dexi not only gained recognition from local doctors through his contributions to treatment plans but also became a celebrity in Dominica due to his exceptional medical skills.

When a 61-year-old female patient approached Dr. Wu Dexi, she had been taking antihypertensive drugs for 15 years, with a blood pressure never dropping below 180/100mmHg. Upon careful examination, Dr. Wu discovered that she had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and the poor blood pressure control was due to incorrect medication usage. With his clinical experience, Dr. Wu Dexi changed her medication, making her blood pressure return to a normal range within a week. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the lady couldn't help but shed tears in front of the experienced doctor.

During his three-year medical aid overseas, Dr. Wu Dexi handled numerous challenging cases and treated over 5,000 local patients. Walking through the streets and alleys of Dominica, one can often hear greetings of "Dr. Wu" from the locals, who genuinely admire and respect this Chinese doctor.

Due to genetic factors, dietary habits, and other reasons, cardiovascular diseases are prevalent in Dominica, but the local medical treatment level is comparable to that of the 1990s. In order to "leave behind an enduring medical team for locals", Dr. Wu Dexi considers the training of local doctors as an important task. He has organized several cardiovascular lectures and personally taught medical skills, fostering knowledge transfer.

During his three-year medical aid, Dr. Wu Dexi also achieved several "first status", including conducting the first dynamic electrocardiogram monitoring, carrying out the first dynamic blood pressure monitoring, formulating the first standardized rescue process for acute ST-elevation MI (STEMI), and promoting the establishment of the Dominica-China Cardiovascular Imaging Center.

In May 2021, Dominica's first specialized cardiovascular department was successfully established at the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital."We have taken an important step towards establishing a well-equipped cardiology department," said Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica, on his personal social media account. Irving MCINTYRE, Minister of the Ministry of Health of Dominica, also said, "This is a milestone in Dominica's medical field, and the dedication and professionalism of cardiovascular experts from China and Dominica will be forever remembered."

It has become a consensus in the medical community of Dominica to seek treatment from a Chinese doctor and receive medical training in China. Dr. Wu Dexi is a typical example of over 30,000 Chinese medical aid personnel. His praise from the locals is not only attributed to his compassion and medical expertise but also to the support from advanced medical resources in Guangdong and China's determination to build a global community of health for all.












文|羊城晚报记者 崔文灿 秦小杰 实习生 涂露倩
责编 | 王瑜瑛