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Guangdong brings advanced medical tech and cultural education in groups to Kashgar
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:杭莹、钟振彬 发表时间:2023-10-20 10:49

Eight-year-old Ayishagumuli Mamati (Ayisha), who lives in Qiongabag Village, Wukusak Town, Shufu County, Xinjiang, was diagnosed with viral keratitis, while the girl failed to receive treatment for financial difficulties, which made her vision continue to deteriorate.

With comprehensive support from Guangdong Province, special medical team members were dispatched to accompany Ayisha to the Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou for surgery with the local authorities to solve the medical expenses issue. Finally, Ayisha's blurred world brimmed with a ray of light.

However, one month later, an accident occurred. After learning about the situation, Yang Yao, who had just arrived from the Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center's Ocular Trauma Department, urgently performed surgery on Ayisha that evening. "It's great to see that the child's vision is recovering without leaving Kashgar for surgery." Ayisha's mother told reporters.

In fact, eye diseases are prevalent in the Kashgar region due to factors like strong ultraviolet radiation and long sunshine hours. Currently, Guangdong has launched the cataract screening and prevention campaign to support Xinjiang, with a professional team composed of ophthalmology experts continuing to provide eye disease screenings to the residents of Shufu County and Payzawat County.

Since 2016, Guangdong has been organizing medical personnel to carry out "group-style" aid to Xinjiang, contributing to a total of 1,870 medical aid personnel being sent, 9.18 million patient visits, and 350,000 surgeries performed. The arrival of the Guangdong medical aid team has made it much more convenient to receive eye disease treatment and "brightened" the eyes of the people in Kashgar.

With strong support from Guangdong's medical aid to Xinjiang, the Kashgar First People's Hospital, which had 1,000 beds in 2012, has developed into a large-scale tertiary hospital with 3,000 beds.

Xiao Fei, the leader of the 11th batch of Guangdong Medical Aid Team to Xinjiang and the director of the Kashgar First People's Hospital, said, "Guangdong's new round of medical aid to Xinjiang is targeted to bring the service capacity of the Kashgar First People's Hospital to the tertiary one like those in the provincial capitals of central and western regions by 2025."

At Mingde Elementary School in Shufu County, children are concentrating on completing their paper-cutting artworks. In this school, Guangdong elements can be found throughout the student clubs. There are Hakka paper-cutting, egg carving, shadow puppetry, and lion dance performances. These were brought by the teachers from Guangdong to aid Xinjiang with education.

"The work of this egg carving is named 'Flowers Bloom for Prosperity'. Our teacher from Guangzhou brought us an egg carving room." Camille, a fifth-grade student, showed her egg carving work to reporters. When asked if she knew about Guangdong, she mentioned, "I have seen pictures of the Canton Tower and consider the city very beautiful. If I have the opportunity, I would love to visit Guangzhou."

Guangdong's educational support to Xinjiang has had a profound impact on Mingde Elementary School, fostering a culture of enrichment and growth. Since 2018, 62 teachers of four batches have been dispatched to Mingde Elementary School, significantly enhancing the quality of education and teaching. In addition, Guangdong has invested more than six million yuan in Mingde Elementary School, enabling the construction of new patriotic education halls, recording studios, information technology classrooms, and other educational facilities. These investments have brought significant improvements to the overall teaching conditions at the school.












文丨记者 杭莹
图丨记者 钟振彬